Part 2

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Many people underestimate me and John price is one of those people. I'm sure Kate told him about me and I know he knew better than to challenge my say in front of a bunch of people, but that is exactly what he did.

~1 day before~

I landed and got out of the military plane along with Kate and a man named Gaz. Price is a respectable man, but he dislikes sharing authority. Atleast that's what Kate said on the plane.

Kate: price.

Price: Laswell.

Kate: Price this is y/n.

I looked around watching everyone do their little tasks as Kate and Price talked. I stood tall by Kate watching everyone. I was wearing tight athletic leggings and a soft sweat shirt. My ears perked up when I heard Price ask a question about me.

Price: what's her rank?

Kate: she doesn't have one atleast for this task force. She gives and receives orders. If she is giving an order you best listen to it. Y/n has never steered me wrong in my life.

Price and Kate started walking and I silently followed. If I'm being honest, I'm shy so I don't talk a lot when I first meet someone. I also just don't like talking or interacting with people.

Price: this is your room and bathroom. Usually we share rooms and showers since all of us are men, but we thought you would want your own space.

Y/n: thanks

My voice was soft since I didn't really feel like talking loud. The sounds from soldiers working and people talking was stressing me out.

Price: Follow me. We have to debrief

At this point I just followed in price's shadow.I can see the soldiers working around the base and how they watch me walk down the hall.

Price: Are you trained in close combat?

Y/n: Yes

Price: Good, but to make sure you are up to date in training you will have to train with one of the members after debrief.

We walked to the meeting room and I trailed behind price. His figure was way larger than mine. We walked in and I saw a man with a Mohawk and a man with a skull on his face. I saw Gaz walk from behind me and sit next to the Mohawk guy.

Price: This is y/n everyone. Y/n this is soap, Ghost, and you know Gaz. Alejandro and Rudy will be joining us later. Have a seat next to Gaz.

Y/n: ok

I listened to the key details but everything else was kindve just in one ear and out the other. I have horrible focus. Kate knows that which is usually why during briefs she's with me. Her wife has adhd so she knows how to keep me focused. Usually she either draws circles on my hand or shoulder or she'll give me a small notepad and let me draw little doodles.

I can't focus on one thing for my life. I either have to be multitasking or really hyper fixated on something. Kate wasn't here though. She had other business to do so she wasn't in briefing. I kept fidgeting with my fingers trying to get myself to focus. Every time I would try to look at the projector to see what price was talking about my eyes would unfocus and make everything blurry.

I keep bouncing my leg or tapping my index finger on the table. I lifted my knees to my chest in my office chair and curled myself up. My head was up though because I didn't want to be rude to price. At this point I was desperate to focus for even just a few seconds. I slightly huffed in frustration because I couldn't focus.

Price: alright that concludes the debrief. Your all dismissed beside y/n and Ghost.

Ghost and I both stayed in our seats. I looked at price still in my fetal position.

Price: y/n you're gonna train with ghost so we can make sure you're up to date with close combat. Don't worry though, I'll be watching.

Y/n: ok

Ghost and I got out of our seats and walked with Price to the training room. I saw Kate in a large meeting room with a couple other people. When she saw me she gave me a thumbs up. I guess it was meant as good luck. I gave her a small smile in return and continued walking.

Price: alright you guys are going to start off with hand to hand and then you guys will paractice with knives.

Ghost: alright.

Ghost and I stood in fighting positions. He looked at me and it was as if he was staring into my soul. It's intimidating, but not enough to where I don't want to fight him. I want to show Price that I'm strong enough to be in this team.

Price: alright 3...2...1 fight!

Ghost threw the first punch. I twisted his arm and twisted my body so I could put my legs around his shoulders. I brought his body to the ground and got off of the ground quickly.

Price: alright your clearly up to date in hand to hand. Alright knives next.

I saw soap and Gaz enter the room and sit near price. Ghost was still on the floor.

Soap: where did you learn that one lass?

Y/n: an action movie.

Gaz: now that's cool.

Ghost finally got up and handed me a knife from his vest.

Price: alright guys don't actually kill eachother. 

Ghost and I stood opposite to one another with our knives in hand. Ghost slung his knife at me and I quickly dodged. I slung my knife back at him to hopefully catch him off guard. I kept slashing at him to hopefully get him in a position to where I could "stab" him. I tried to "stab" him and ghost caught my wrist and twisted it outwards.

I pretended to look hurt. When he loosened his grip I dropped my knife into my other hand and hovered it over his stomach.

Y/n: gotcha.

Soap: wow lass! You're good. You are very good at actin'

Y/n: thanks! I used to be a dancer. It takes acting skills to be a good one.

Soap: wait! That's why your name sounds similar! Your actually y/n L/n? My sister has a poster of you in her room.

Y/n: aww that's amazing! Yeah I am really y/n L/n

Ghost came up to me and shook my hand.

Ghost: good job.

Y/n: thank you Ghost.

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