Part 7: I'm Different Than Everyone Else

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Author Note: Ok I wrote this chapter to show a little bit of the struggles with autism and feeling loved as a person. While I want this story to focus on the good, I also want to add the struggles that I have struggled with and maybe some of you have struggled with too. Ok, I'm done rambling now. Enjoy!

~Day Before Mission: 6:00 AM- In Price's bedroom😉~

I laid next to John in bed tracing his scars and wondering what stories they carried. His breathing was soft and consistent and nearly relaxing, but I'm too far in my thoughts to let my mind have peace. I chewed on the chapped skin of my lip as I continuously traced the long milky scar on his hip. This one was my favorite because it brought out the tones of his waist and his muscular but soft tummy. His breath unsteadied for a small moment as he moved to hold my body within his arms. 

John: You know that tickles right?

Y/N: Good morning.

John: Good morning Love. How did you sleep?

Y/N: I don't like your sheets, but it's alright I slept on top of you half of the night anyway. 

John: I loved every second you were in my arms. I'll change my sheets though if you plan on spending more nights cuddling with me. 

Y/N: Are you sure you want this?

John: Want what darling?

Y/N: Me. 

John: Of course, I want you Love. why would you think I don't want you?

Y/N: Well I'm... different than everyone else. 

John: That's not a bad thing sweetheart. your differences and your quirks make me like you even more than I already do. They make you human Love. 

Y/N: But I'm difficult and I can't do certain things like other people. I have tantrums like a toddler, I have to have certain sheets, I can't touch raw meet without having a panic attack, I ignore my needs, I go silent sometimes, I have trouble understanding social cues, I don't get jokes as fast as other people, I can't have my food touching, and I've... never really felt love before.

John: I'm here to help with that Y/N. I am not going to give up on you. You think of yourself as a thorn and I'm here to show you that you are a blossoming Rose. You are my everything, Darling. With me around, you will never have to have your tantrums alone, have uncomfy sheets, touch raw meat, deal with your needs by yourself, be silent alone, struggle with social cues, be slow to a joke, or have touching food. I will be there to help you understand the joke, season the meat, separate your food, and I'll be there to show you love. I won't ever give up on you. 

Y/N: *Sniffle* You promise?

John: I promise. 

Y/N: Do you pinky promise that you promise?

John: I double pinky promise. 

Y/N: Welp what are we doing today?

John: I'm keeping my promise and I'm going to show you love. Let's go make breakfast. 

We both got up out of bed and I took a very long needed stretch. I started brushing my hair into a messy bun with my fingers. John went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and I snuck one of his military shirts from his dresser and put it over my head. John came out of the bathroom and when he saw me the brightest smile I've ever seen showed on his face. 

John: Marking me as yours?

Y/N: I don't know what you mean. you know everyone has these green shirts right?

John: Yeah but I'm sure the other guy's shirts don't say 'Captain Price' on the back. 

Y/N: Darn I was caught. 

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