Part 14: Oh Shit

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Doctor Chen: How are you Y/N?

Y/N: It doesn't hurt anymore.

Doctor Chen: That's good. You have healed exceptionally well over the last six months. I think you should continue training rookies for the next few weeks and you can be back in the field in no time!

Y/N: That's great! I can't stand training. I love the kids to death, but god they are tiring.

Doctor Chen: Tell me about it! I've been training the new residents. How are you and John doing?

Y/N: We're conflicted. We've been talking about it for months and we really want a baby but it feels like everytime we have the conversation of marriage or a baby something always comes up. Like last week we started talking about it and Kate runs in talking about russians and then he was sent off on a mission. We want a baby and we've been trying, but I'm worried.

Doctor Chen: Worried about what if I may ask?

Y/N: I don't want to get pregnant and leave my other boys to get hurt. Johnny, Kyle, and Simon are my reason to fight for a better world. I'm scared if I leave them they'll get hurt. I'm also very scared of becoming like my mother. I feel selfish for ridding John of becoming a father for my own selfish reasons.

Doctor Chen: Your reasons are not selfish. before I had my first son I was scared of becoming like my mother as well. My husband and I had a long talk and everything felt instantly better. You mentioned you and John have been trying for a baby. Would you like your test results from today?

Y/N: Yes please. I plan on talking to him tonight. We have reservations at a restaurant so hopefully no interuptions. I've been thinking a lot about it and talking with you has been wonderful and you made me realise how much I really want this.

Doctor Chen: I'm glad that I could help. I think it's very good that you are giving yourself and John a chance to be parents.

Y/N: thank you. Alright I'll let you get to back to work. Good luck training the new residents!

Doctor Chen: Good luck with the new recruits. I heard a rough batch were coming in.

Y/N: Thanks for the warning doc

I left Doctor Chen's office with the yellow folder. I felt my heart race as I got closer to my office. I turned the corner and bumped into Ghost's chest plate.

Ghost: oh I'm sorry. Do you have a minute? I need to talk with someone and Price doesn't get back tull 30 minutes from now.

Y/N: sure come in.

Ghost: thank you. You're like the only person I trust here other than captain of course.

Y/N: talk to me. I'm always here for you Simon. Tell me what's got you so tense while I open this folder.

Ghost: well it all started when I was in the church of Las Almas. Johnny and I stayed in contact over the whole ordeal and I noticed yesterday that he could have possibly been flirted with me.

Y/N: oh shit.

Ghost: what? Is something wrong with your injury?

Y/N: oh no no Simon I'm all good I just noticed my name is spelt wrong that all. I'm all ears keep going.

Ghost: well I got to thinking and I was just so perplexed by the whole thing. Long story short I've been thinking about this for 3 whole days and I think I like Johnny more than a friend.

Y/N: ok that's a lot to unpack. So you like Johnny romantically?

Ghost: I think so.

Y/N: hey hey come here Simon.

I saw his lip quiver and the small tears in his eyes as I pulled him in a hug. Simon doesn't usually cry or show any emotion so for him to hug me and show vulnerability is a big deal for both of us. I held him in my arms while softly rubbing his back and making soft shushing noises.

Y/N: it's going to be alright. Ok Simon? It's ok. I know this can be difficult but for once I'm going to need you to listen to your heart not your head. I've been where you are right now and I know what's going through your head. So I need you to listen to your heart. Ask Johnny out to drinks or dinner. Don't run away or distance yourself from him. It will only hurt you and him if you do that.

Ghost: Thank you. You'd be a great mom one day.

Y/N: that means more to me than you'll ever know.

Ghost: I'm going to ask him out. Should I dress casual or fancy?

Y/N: whatever you feel is appropriate for the place. If your going to a restaurant? Fancy. If you're going to a bar, casual.

Ghost: thank you. I'm going to go get dressed.

Y/N: let me know how it goes alright?

Ghost: will do.

I watched Simon leave with a little pep in his step and I looked back down at the papers in front of me. I put the paper inside the folder and put a red confidential stamp on the cover so no one would open it. As soon as I closed the drawer I heard a knock on the door and by the pattern I knew exactly who it was.

Y/N: come in!

John: I'm home and just in time for our dinner.

Y/N: That's great! Let me just get my coat and we can be on our way. Did you take a shower?

John: of course I did love. I can't go on a date with the loveliest girl in the work while looking dirty. I even got a suit. Let me put it on real quick.

Y/N: alright you go do that honey.

I exhaled softly and watched John walk into my office bathroom to get dressed. I had gotten dressed before I went to my doctor appointment because I knew things would clash together so I wanted to be prepared.

I wore a black silk blouse that had a low cut and long sleeves. I paired the top with black dress pants and a belt that pulled my waist together with the blouse. I finally topped the outfit off with a dainty gold neclace and a bff bracelet that I never take off.

When John came out of the bathroom I nearly lost my breath. He had a perfectly tailored black suit with his fluffy but styled hair out. He slightly tightened his red tie and gave me small kiss on my forehead. Somehow this suit made him have a sluttier waist than he had before.

John: I was in a little bit of a hurry to get my suit on but now I can tell you how much I love this outfit.

Y/N: well maybe you can tell me how much you love it when you take it of me tonight after dinner.

John: oh I promise you I can do just that love. Now let's get on our way shall we.

Y/N: we shall.

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