Part 16: Signs And Symptoms

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TW: pregnancy symptoms, breakdown, mentions of childhood

Short chapter but it's a cute one because calm before the storm 😈

I opened my eyes to see the various rays of sun coming through the window and hitting my body. I felt around me to feel for John, but all I felt was a sticky note stuck to his pillow. I picked up the small note and laughed as I read the messy but readable words.

It's been a whole week since the bomb fiasco and I'm so close to being done with recovery. Today I only have to train rookies for an hour, help out with the 141's psych evaluations, and John is making breakfast.

Today is going to be a great day- I quickly ran to the bathroom as I gagged slightly. My head was hunched over the toilet and my eyes were nearly drowning with tears. If there's one thing I absolutely hate in the world it's throwing up. I'm 2 weeks now so the sickness is at its absolute peak. I even have a small bump coming in.

Mornings lately have been hell and I've had to get Doctor Chen to tell John over and over again that it's a bad case of a rare stomach bug. I'm ashamed to admit it but not even Kate knows yet. Somehow I think Simon is on to me. It's my fault though. I told him at 3:00 in the morning the other day to get me a very specific breakfast burrito with extra hot sauce. I don't like hot sauce. I can handle spicy. I just don't like the taste.

Soap is a little worried for me because I keep snapping at everyone and just the other day I made the rookies run five laps and just to prove a point I did it with them to show that I'm faster.

Don't get me started about the sensitivity to smells though. I went into Kate's office and the candle she had lit sent me into a gagging fit. Usually, I absolutely love that candle and have tried to taste it on more than one occasion, but apparently not anymore.

The worst thing of all that's been happening this week though is my clinginess. It's really hard to let John go. I've been blaming it on my happiness of being engaged, but in reality, my hormones are all out of wack. Usually, John is the one clinging to me, but lately, I've been latched onto him like a leech.

He's found my behavior weird but believed every small lie I've told him so far. I want to surprise him which is why he doesn't know yet. Also, he would never let me back into the field if he knew.

I walked into the kitchen instantly getting hit in the face with the smell of muffins. I started gagging and ran out of the kitchen to the nearest bathroom. Once I was done I rinsed my mouth with water and started walking out of the restroom.

I was walking down the hall and I stopped in my tracks when I heard the sound of the lights above me. There was a soft buzzing of electricity and I couldn't move. My breath became ragged and uneven. I slid my back against a wall and started hyperventilating while curling my body up against my chest. My eyes started to sting as tears formed.

And suddenly it felt like I was nine again freaking out over the stage lights from the stage. I remember my mom yelling at me and telling me to be better. I can still feel the closing of my throat as I said sorry over and over again. I remember the stares of the other dancers around me. I can feel the loneliness from when my mom walked away and I was left to deal with the overstimulation by myself. What if I turn out like her? I don't want to hurt my kid.

John: Y/N! Hey come on talk to me what's wrong?

Y/N: I can't- I can't.

John: yes you can love. Tell me what's wrong so I can help.

Y/N: Lights. The lights.

John: what's wrong with the lights love?

Y/N: hear them. I can hear them!

John: Soap! Take out the lights that are making the noise.

Soap: on it cap!

Y/N: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so sensitive. I should be better. Be stronger. I have to not be so weak. Bad-

John: hey no! Do not talk to yourself like that. You are strong and the best. It's ok to be sensitive and it's ok to cry. We're going to fix the problem and everything will be ok.

Y/N: thank you.

John: of course. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too. What's burning?

Ghost: shit! The muffins!

John: eggs?

Y/N: Can I have 4 pickles?

John: you could have five if you wanted.

Y/N: I only want four.

John: alright darling. Four pickles coming up.

Y/N: yes!

Soap: All fixed cap! Feeling better Lass?

Y/N: yes. Thank you soap. Have I ever told you how proud I am if you?

Soap: you are?

Y/N: I am.

Soap: only my dad has ever said he was proud of me. I really appreciate it.

Y/N: I appreciate you kid. Where's Gaz? I haven't seen him all morning.

Soap: oh he's outside doing the obstacle course with the rookies. That was his favorite thing in training so he's doing it again to relive old memories.

Y/N: alright.

Ghost: sorry guys. The muffins are burnt.

John: that's alright. The lady wants 4 pickles on the dot.

Soap: Do we want to question Lass?

Y/N: I'm afraid not. The body wants what it wants.

Ghost: alright. Pickles coming up.

Y/N: thank you Simon.

Ghost: no problem M-arine.

Y/N: great save.

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