Part 12: Drinks?

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~In Helo~

Y/N: Alright. When we get in there we survive ok? We're fighting against our own so this could easily go wrong. Everyone here has full execute authority on Graves, Shepherd, and soldiers.

Ghost: what's our first move?

Y/N: Laswell will be in the helicopter with communication and eyes in the sky aswell as the inside. As for us, we'll have to wait for a shipment that will arrive at exactly 1330. From there the vehicle will stop at the gate to the underground tunnel and we will enter the back of the vehicle. Once we're in the base we will start taking down soldiers that are alone. After that, it's every person for themself.

The helicopter finally landed and when the doors opened, Ghost motioned for everyone to leave the aircraft. I high-fived Kate and then held her hand. I ripped my dog tags off and set them in her palm.

Y/N: Don't look for me in sunsets.

Kate: You'll be in the stars.

Kate and I have done this before every mission after I was taken by Russians. I started giving her my dog tags so if I die she'll always have those to remember me by. Of course, she'll have the things that are in my house, but my dog tags are a personal parting gift. I always thought of it as a way to tell her I'll always be there and that I love her.

I could see the small tears in her eyes when I started to walk away. Kate knows just as much as I know. She knows there's a possibility that some of us won't make it, but they will have to drag my cold dead body away before they even think of touching my kids or John.

Y/N: Laswell we're at the gate and waiting for the vehicle to arrive.

Kate: copy that Phoenix. Stand by I see the vehicle approaching.

Y/N: Copy. Guns up. Vehicles coming in hot.

We watched in silence as the vehicle approached the gate. I watched the guard walk up to the door and talk to the driver. I signaled my hand for everyone to move forward. We crouched and steady walked to the back. Everyone finally got in, so I jumped up and John grabbed my hand.

Y/N: thank you captain.

John: who said chivalry was dead?

Y/N: watcher-01 we're in phase two of action and approaching underground base.

Kate: got it. Switching controls to cameras in the base.

Y/N: copy that. Alright boys. From this point on its everyone for themself. Take out as many people as you can, but do it silently. Got it?

Everyone: understood ma'am

Y/N: good luck out there. Vehicle is clear. Everyone out.

Everyone exited the truck. I gave John a quick smile and nod then went in the opposite direction. The car lot was mostly empty indicating that a lot of people are inside the main building.

There were two shadows by the main entrence so I'll have to find another way in. I mingled my way through the various vehicles and military crates that were stranded randomly. I finally reached the side of the parking lot where civilian vehicles were.

I stealthily swerved my way through the parked cars and looked through a window that was on the side. There was a large table and a ton of shadows in the room. I saw Graves along with Shepherd directing something on the large screen.

I looked more closely and it was an attack plan for tomorrow. They're planning something big. They have vials and deadly aircraft displayed on the screen. They plan on hitting DC. I ducked my head and sat against the wall still keeping guard.

Y/N: phoenix to Watcher-01. They are planning on hitting DC with something unidentifiable and dangerous aircraft. They plan on doing it tomorrow morning.

Kate: good work phoenix I'll let HQ know. Let's focus on the plan for now.

Y/N: copy that.

I slowly walked while crouching to the other window. I had my pistol in my hand just in case anyone tried anything. I looked inside the window and saw their rec room. There was a bar along with couches and a tv.

The room was completely empty so I softly opened the window after checking for alarms and went inside. I walked around with my gun up making sure the room was completely clear before making my way towards the bar and leaning against it.

I heard the door open and a few feet shuffle in. I saw Graves and a few of his shadows. As soon as the men noticed me they drew their guns and I saw a slight glint of fear pass Graves eyes.

Y/N: Drinks? I've been told I can make a killer cocktail.

Graves: Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your head!

I got down on my knees and put my hands behind my head with a shit eating grin. A shadow pulled my hands behind me and cuffed them together. He then pulled me up and led me over to Graves.

Graves: You're coming with me.

Y/N: Alright.

I was led down the hallway and to a door that had a keypad. I watched carefully as he punched in the numbers, 911202. The door made a click noise and opened for Graves to bring me inside. The shadows were about to follow but he held his hand up to stop them.

Graves: go tell shepherd there's a set back and to start the mission early. I want everyone on this base gone in 30 minutes!

Shadows: yes sir!

He walked me more into the room and I saw various amounts of chairs with my teammates tied to them. He sat me down in the last chair that was in the middle and tied my hands behind the chair. Graves walked in front of me and I watched him glare toward me until he finally spoke.

Graves: what are you doing here?

Y/N: just paying a little visit to an old work friend.

Graves: we're not friends.

Y/N: oh yeah that's clear after you left me and Anderson to die by the Russians.

Graves: shut up!

Y/N: we were tortured, sexually assaulted, starved! I can keep going asshole!

Graves: shut up! We're not here to talk about the past!

Y/N: so you wanna talk about the future you won't have?

Graves: listen here you little bitch. In about 2 hours, I'm gonna release a bio medical attack over DC, but first I'm going to kill all your little friends and make. You. Watch.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while he walked over to a table in the corner. I look around and saw that all the other boys had cloth in their mouth and were unable to talk.

I saw Graves grab a handgun and walk back over to me. He started loading it up while staring at me, and when he was done he pointed it towards Gaz.

Graves: what do you think? Should we start youngest to oldest?

Y/N: if you touch my kid I swear I will kill you. I will kill every single shadow, person, acquaintance, or soldier that you care about Graves. Don't fucking test me!


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