Part 21: Freak

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Spicy!! 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Thought y'all deserved it since I robbed you last time 🤭

Kinda lost myself through the moment so if I wrote price instead of John don't mind it. I was too lazy to edit since this is the most time I've had to relax recently 😂

It's been a few days and everyone is getting used to me being back home. Price bought a small house in a small and spacious community. He claims his old place was big enough for a baby but if you've seen the place you would honestly think to yourself "who the fuck lives here? The president?" It's huge. This new house is just as big but it has a nice selection of spacious rooms.

Price also claimed his old house was too far away from a hospital which is vital during infant and toddler years. That I could agree with. I find it so cute how he's already been shopping. He already calls the baby and she and only shops for things in pink and a nice pastel yellow. He bought the cutest little outfit the other day and I had to remind him we don't know the gender yet.

He swears by his life that it's a girl and soap has started calling it a lass. I've given up correcting them. Ghost has been overly sweet, in his own way of course. If I say I'm craving something and we don't it, he'll go out and next thing I know it's in my hands. Kyle has been insistent on trying to name it Kylie or Kyle and I said no way and soap, don't even get me started. He won't let me walk anywhere by myself or lift anything even as simple as a pen. This has been my life for the last couple days.

I've honestly been a little frustrated the last few days. Not with price or the boys, just frustrated in general. I didn't even know where it stemmed from until I woke up sweating in the middle of the night after a specifically hot dream. I sigh and get out of bed, price mumbling as he hugs a pillow, his arm muscles bulging and making me feel dizzy.

I walk out of the room and head to the small kitchen/ living room area. I turn on Law and Order SVU, clicking to a low volume and walking to the kitchen. I think about what I'm craving and I grab my hidden pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I sit on the couch my pink nightgown hugging my body in a comfortable way as I bring my legs to the side of my body with my arm propped on the arm of the couch.

I sigh and sit there watching law and order by myself in silence. Really this is what I always used to do as a teen. With the original one of course but I loved law and order. Probably one of the reasons I can always tell when someone is weird or a bitch before anyone else notices. The episode where the medical examiner is examining a body of an apparent "Jane Doe." The detectives just found out it's the medical examiner's ex fiance.

Y/N: It's the medical examiner.

I talk to myself as I break down the evidence and come to my conclusion. When the episode finally reveals I was right I let out a small laugh.

Y/N: I knew it!

I whisper my exclamation quietly but jump as someone touches my shoulders and whispers in my ear lowly

John: Thought I might find you in here.

His groggy and grainy voice makes an instant reaction in my stomach and I breath slightly deeper. Price stands behind the couch with his body bent as his nose touches and runs along my neck. His hand reaches over to place itself on my hip and run down to my thigh. His hand bunches up my nightgown agonizingly slow before he places the pad of his finger against the center of my damp panties.

John: Already wet for me aren't you baby?

I can't even process words from the feeling of my throbbing and aching clit. My brain focused on the feeling of his touch as my mouth lets out an involuntary and particularly needy noise. I hear him chuckle lowly in my ear causing me to let out a small breath of air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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