Part 13: Is That My Blood?

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TW: violence and mentions of child death

I broke free from the rope behind my back and quickly took the bullet for Gaz. I slightly stumbled back because of the impact. I saw Graves with a sadistic smile and everything felt distant. I touched my chest where the bullet hit and realized it hit my vest.

Graves: Oh wonderful! you got out of your restraints in time, but sadly the bullet hit your vest. How about we make this fair? I throw away my gun and we fistfight. Give a good show to your team before they see the life drain from your eyes.

Y/N: Let's do it.

I watched Graves throw his gun to the other side of the room. John started thrashing and yelling in his chair. I slightly stretched my body and threw my hands behind my back. I smiled softly and looked toward Graves who had a sly smirk.

Y/N: Here's the thing Graves. You threatened to hurt my kids. I won't take that lightly.

Graves: well we'll see who wins in the end. I'll even throw away my knives to ensure it's fair.

Y/N: That's another thing, Graves. Life ain't fair.

I shot Graves three times in the chest and watched him lose his smirk and stumble back until he fell. I walked over to him and checked his pulse. I sighed and went over to Gaz. He had his eyes closed and his breathing was very quick. I untied his hands and took the cloth from his mouth. Gaz let out a broken sob and I took him in my arms. I stroked the back of his head and softened my breathing to hopefully calm him down.

Y/N: It's ok. you're safe right now. I got you, kid. Nobody's going to hurt you as long as I'm here.

Gaz let me go and I gave him a soft smile. I made sure he was for sure ok and then I went to untie the others. All the boys gave me a smile, and John immediately took me in his arms.

John: Promise me you won't do that again. You scared me. I don't know what I'd do if you died Y/N.

Y/N: You know I can't promise that. Let's just promise to try and be safe ok?

John: Alright. I'll be safe.

Y/N: I will too. Viper. We're gonna need that army now.

Viper: Copy that. In about 5 minutes they will be arriving. They are going to block every exit to the outside, so we should separate into groups of two and push to the middle of the base which would be the underground hangar.

Y/N: Alright. Price and I will go into the east hall. Ghost and soap, you guys go north toward the hangar entrance, then Gaz and Viper you will go west. Gaz I'm putting you with my best man. He's not going to let anyone hurt you.

Gaz: Ok thank you.

Y/N: of course, kid. Alright let's go. I'll cover your back Captain.

John: Got it.

I kept my back toward John's and continuously looked around for any shadows. Once we reached the hangar door the lights went out and the red emergency lights came on. John looked back to me woth a look that definitely meant what should we do?

Y/N: Go in silently.

I watched him open the door softly and run to a bunch of crates. Viper's army had distracted and destroyed most of the shadows, so it was our turn to help out with the straggling soldiers who were trying to get away on the helicopter.

I saw the other two groups come in through separate doors and hide behind objects like John and I. I gave out a hand signal pointing toward a group of shadows that had General Shepherd in the middle. I motioned my hand as an ok and everyone opened fire on the surrounding soldiers.

The hangar got quiet and finally Shepherd was alone. He lifted his hands up in surrender and we all walked towards him with our guns pointed. Ghost secured Shepherd's hands with a zip tie.

For a moment I felt relief until I saw a figure lift a gun and shoot towards John. I ran in front of him and felt a burning pain in my abdomen. I felt like I was watching everything from a distance.

My ears were ringing and my vision blurred in and out. I saw viper shoot the last shadow and turn to look at me. I touched my abdomen and looked at the thick, sticky crimson blood on my hand.

Y/N: I-is th-that my blo-blood? John?

John: love we need to get to the heli right now.

John picked me up while Gaz opened a med kit and got out a bunch of gauze to hold on my wound until we got proper medical care. The team cleared the way as John carried me outside to hopefully get to the helicopter in time.

Ghost killed Shepherd so we wouldn't have to worry about him slowing us down. My head spun and the boys were running fast. My vision continuously faded black and my ears had to have been clogged. I could see John's lips moving, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I know there's a possibility I might die so I lifted my hand and tapped John's heart three times. I. Love. You. He looked down at me and my eyes finally closed and darkness engulfed me.

~Three Days Later~

I heard faint beeping and felt sore everywhere. I opened my eyes and groaned softly because of the bright fluorescent lights. I finally adjusted to the headache inducing lighting and saw a nurse checking my vitals.

Nurse: Good you're awake! I just sent the boys out to take showers and get some rest. I'll have the doctor right with you in a second honey.

I laid my head back onto the pillow and closed my tired eyes. I was conscious but my mind was scrambled. I heard a knock and saw a doctor come in with a file. She brought over a chair and sat right next to me.

Doctor Chen: Alright so your vitals are amazing and your wound is healing very nicely, but there is something else I wanted to talk to you about. It's not good news I'm afraid.

Y/N: lay it on me Doctor Chen.

Doctor Chen: Y/N your blood work shows that you were three weeks pregnant. Unfortunately when you got shot you lost the baby.

Y/N: Oh. Can I be alone for a minute, please?

Doctor Chen: of course.

The doctor stepped out and my ears constantly rung. I could feel my heart beat speed up and start thumping harder in my ears. My eyes stung as a tear fell down my cheek and that's when the door opened to reveal John. I wiped my cheeks and put a soft smile on my face.

John: you're awake.

Y/N: John I have to talk to you.

John: yeah me too. You promised to be safe.
Y/N  I could have taken that bullet. Watching you bleed and pass out in my arms scared me to deat-

Y/N: John.

John: no let me finish. When the doctor saw you her face even went pale. I watched a nurse get on top of you and start chest compressions. When you went into that OR I was scared. I didn't know if you were going to come out or if you were going to die on that table all alone surrounded my machines and doctors. I was scared Y/N.

Y/N: Joh-

John: if you died, I would never forgive myself. I- I love you too.

Y/N: John I was pregnant.

John: what? Well we're responsible adults. I can be a good fathe-

Y/N: it doesn't matter.

John: what do you mean it doesn't matter. Of course it does. Your pregnant and it takes two people to make a baby I won't let you go through it alone.

Y/N: it doesn't matter because I lost the baby John.

John: Oh.

John's face scrunched and he looked down into his lap. I let out a small sob and John immediately grabbed my hand and wrapped me in his arms. I could feel hot tears hit my shoulder and I could hear small sniffles from John. He moved his head from my neck to my forehead. John pressed a small kiss to my temple and I closed my eyes.

John: we'll get through this together alright love?

Y/N: ok. I love you John.

John: I love you too sweetheart.

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