Part 15: Normalcy?

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This chapter is filled with chaos fair warning

Y/N: wow! This place is amazing!

John: I knew you would like it.

Y/N: You know me so well.

John: Alright lay it on me. What did I miss when I was gone?

Y/N: we'll Kyle had a nightmare a few nights ago and decided to crawl in our bed like a toddler. I woke up to a 26 year old clinging to me like a baby.

John: Oh no. I remember when he did that to me once. He's a blanket stealer that's for sure.

Y/N: other than that this week has been uneventful, but a rookie did call me mom once.

John: Did you visit your doctor?

Y/N: I did today actually and she said I should be good to go in two weeks.

John: That's great honey! Alright I want to talk with you about something.

Y/N: Me too, but you go first.

John: Alright we've been dating for nearly a year now, but it feels like I've known you all of my life. I love and cherish you so much and I can't imagine living my life and growing old without you. So what I'm going to ask is, will you, Y/N M/N L/N, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?

Y/N: Oh John. Oh my god! Yes!

John got up off his knee and put the beautiful soft dainty ring on my finger. I stood up and he placed a soft kiss on my lips while hugging me tight. When we let go of the kiss we sat back in our seats and continued to eat the dessert that was in front of us.

John: I asked for Kate's and Melanie's approval  before hand as well. Melanie said it was a shame she couldn't get that threesome she wanted. I'm a little confused about that and Kate refused to tell me. I don't think I've ever seen her face that read.

Y/N: it's a very, very long story that me and Kate aren't exactly fond of.

John: Wait did you and Kate have a thing?

Y/N: not a serious thing. We had drunken relations one time and Melanie loves to joke about it.

John: Fucking hell. Well I'm glad she found Melanie and I found you.

Y/N: Oh me too! I could not spend my life with Kate. She's a bit of a control freak. You on the other hand are perfect. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

John: I also want to talk about family. I think it's best we wait until after we're married to have a baby that way we have time to heal and so we can enjoy our honeymoon days.

Y/N: Yeah. Yeah I totally agree with you. Do you want to get back to base? My mom senses just went off.

John: what did Soap do now?

Y/N: Oh god Gaz is calling me.

~On Phone~

Gaz: heyyy mom. So Soap, Ghost, and I were playing around and Soap wanted to show us his bomb making skills and we accidentally made a  mine. Also we need a new washer. Soap accidentally lit it on fire. It's out now thanks to Ghost.

Y/N: Gaz are you guys drunk?

Gaz: Nooo.

Y/N: Where's Ghost right now?

Gaz: He's tied to a chair. We attacked him and tied him up for his violent behavior.

Ghost: Help!

Gaz: Shhh I'm in the phone with mom.

Y/N: We're on our way home Gaz. Don't touch the bomb at all you hear me.

Gaz: Soap! Mom said don't touch it!

Soap: I want it to go kaboom!

Gaz: It will kill us though.

Soap: Oh yeah your right. Ok I won't touch it.

~Off Phone~

John: I'm going to kill them.

Y/N: let's hope the bomb doesn't beat us to it.

~Back At Base~ TW: Dark Jokes

Gaz: Mom's home!

Y/N: You guys are in big trouble you know! John can you get them while I detonate the bomb.

John: Of course future Mrs. Price.

Gaz: you guys are getting married?!

Soap: I hope you guys don't divorce like my other parents.

Gaz: Are you going to beat me like my uncle used to?

John: what? Of course not. Listen you guys need to get it together! We left you alone for barely two hours and we already need a new washing machine and you made a bomb. You guys could've gotten killed and when Ghost tried to help you tied him to a chair.

Gaz: I'm sorry.

Soap: I'm sorry too.

John: Now how much did you guys drink?

Soap: We didn't drink anything! We just ate some brownies that this nice lady down the hall gave to us.

Y/N: bomb is safe and outside in the compost far away from the building incase I messed up something.

Gaz: Her name was Catherine and she was old.

Y/N: Am I missing something?

John: They're not drunk they're high. Apparently a woman named Catherine gave them edible brownies.

Y/N: Oh god. Where's ghost?

Gaz: *giggling* He's in the closet.

Y/N: Oh my god! Ghost are you ok?

Ghost: I'm going to kill them!

Y/N: Hey hey let's all calm down ok. They're high so there actions aren't their fault right now.

Ghost: what were you guys thinking? Doing drugs on an army base!

Y/N: Also not their fault. Some woman named Catherine gave them brownies.

Ghost: I knew she was sketchy.

Y/N: You know her?

Ghost: she tried to offer me a worn down bottle of antidepressants when I went to go get my prescription refilled. She works at the on base pharmacy.

John: Not how I expected my night to go.

Y/N: Me neither. Tonight's going to be very long. I don't think I'm prepared.

John: I don't think I am either. They're already passed out on the floor so now we're going to have to drag them to their rooms.

Ghost: Or we can leave them and let it be a lesson

Y/N: As nice as that sounds, I'm a better person than that. Let's get to dragging.

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