Part 11: Dinner Then Guns?

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Gaz: The place you picked for your celebratory dinner is really good. This is my third non-alcoholic pina colada. 

John: you should probably slow down. Remember what happened in Spain when you drank too many cherry creme slushies?

Gaz: I don't want to remember that Captain. 

Soap: wait what happened?

John: Gaz threw his guts up all over me on a mission. We had to break from the mission and change clothes in the hotel room. We were supposed to go back outside and finish up but Gaz fell asleep and refused to wake up, so I had to let a couple of marines who were in the area take over. 

Kate: I'm pretty sure that was Y/N and Hernandez that took over the mission. 

Y/N: It does ring a bell. I'm pretty sure I got shoved into a bar counter and smelt like alcohol for a few days. 

Kate: Yep that was the one!

Soap: Wow Lass you've been everywhere!

Y/N: Not everywhere Soap. 

Soap: Let me guess where you haven't been. Have you been to Michigan? 

Y/N: Michigan? *Gasp*


Hernandez: Hey Y/N, Can you get me the mission report from the meeting room?

Y/N: Sure! Be back in a sec. 

I walked down the hallway to the large meeting room and looked around for the mission report file. I bent to look under the table and sure enough in the back corner, there was the file. I wonder how it ended up on the floor, but who cares. I went under the table and suddenly heard loud footsteps and the door slammed closed. The table hid me away from the people that were currently in the room. I didn't want to deal with the confrontation so I just stayed where I was. 

Shepherd: How could you lose the missiles Graves? You're my right-hand man. You are the best of the best. what happened out there?

Graves: we ambushed. They knew we were coming. 

Shepherd: This was already illegal, to begin with, and hiding it made things worse what are we going to do? The 141 is already on to us and they are getting close. 

Graves: I'll deal with the 141, but for now there's a base 12.5 miles southeast of Traverse City, Michigan. It's under the ground of a fake agriculture farm. 

Shepherd: Hurry up and deal with the 141 and then get to that base. Don't mess this up, Graves. 

Graves: I won't sir. 

I heard the two men leave and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to hear that. 

~End Of Flashback~

Kate: Y/n!? Y/N!? 

Y/N: Graves and Shepherd are in Michigan. 

John: what?

Y/N: I know where Graves and Shepherd are hiding. we need to get back to base. 

Kate: Can we get the bill, please?

John: how do you know? 

Y/N: A memory. Soap unlocked it or something. 

Soap: wow. Am I a psychic?

Ghost: Shut the hell up, Johnny. 

~At Base~

I walked to the meeting room and immediately grabbed a stranded laptop. I bring up a map and started typing in the coordinates. Everyone else started to slowly file into the room. 

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