Chapter Seven🏠

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Third Person

Jenna drove the two of them to her house. She parked Myci's car out of the way of her parent's car that she knew would be leaving early in the morning for some sort of work thing. She didn't have the energy to care.

"Okay come on." Jenna spoke as she helped Myci out of the car where she walked her towards the house. She unlocked and opened the door, letting the other girl walk in first. Once inside she shut the door behind her, "Do you want a drink or anything?" Jenna asked Myci who was holding herself up with one of her house's walls. Myci looked to Jenna with a smile and gave a nod. "Yes place." answered Myci. "Water." Jenna nodded to her request and went to the kitchen where she got the requested drink and returned to the sleepy girl.

"Here." She stated and held out the glass of iced water. Myci took it and placed her lips to the cup, downing a good bit of the water. Jenna slightly panicked. She didn't know if it was okay for her to just fill up on anything after what he body went through.

She decided to take Myci up to her room.

Jenna wrapped her arm around Myci's lower back to keep her balanced as she helped Myci up the stairs and to her room. Thankfully it was the first door they came across. Jenna opened the door and let Myci walk in by herself and watched as the other girl sat down on her bed. Jenna followed and shut her room door behind her. "Are you okay?" She had to ask. She wanted Myci to be comfortable.

Myci was still drinking her water. But she answered with a nod.

Jenna walked up and sat down next to Myci. The two of them sat in silence, not daring to look at each other. Myci was just playing around with the cup in her hands. After a bit Jenna speaks up, "You know.." Myci turned to the shorter girl. "I really thought you were gonna die tonight." Jenna admitted. Myci's mood shifted and now she just felt bad for worry the latina. "I..." Jenna was struggling to get it out. "I..." Again, she couldn't get it out.

Jenna mentally cursed herself before slinging herself back against her bed.

Myci turned back to for a moment before setting the cup of water down on a flat surface before joining Jenna on her own back. They laid side by side. Both of them couldn't look to one another. "I didn't want to lose you." Jenna stated suddenly. That's what brought Myci to look at Jenna, but Jenna continued to look towards the ceiling.

Myci's eyes looked down Jenna's side profile. Every inch of her face was pleasing to look at. She just wanted to trace her point finger along each edge she could. Would that be weird? Myci asked herself.

now it was Myci's turn to speak. "I didn't mean to scare you that badly Jenna." She says, "Usually... Hannah doesn't give shit like that. That's why I took it, I knew that she didn't mean any harm to either of us." With that she carefully curved her body so now she laid on her side, facing Jenna. Jenna slowly turns her head so she could see Myci. They both stared into each others eyes. There was no doubt about it, these two had some real chemistry. It didn't matter about the short time they knew each other.

They stayed still.

But it lasted short because Myci wanted to ask a question. "What happened... when you ran back to the car?" She asked.

Jenna quickly looked away and sat up, clearly upset. "Jenna?" Myci called, staying in her position. Jenna kept her back facing Myci.

Jenna Ortega || 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝓇𝓊𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now