Chapter Twenty🪹

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Third Person

"Bye Mom!" Myci called out as she exited the door, rushing out to Tom's waiting car. She hops inside and greets her friends. Zendaya smiled widely as she turns around in her seat. "Yo! So there's a little band and playing at this old warehouse tonight." She informed the one in the back.

"What kind of band?" Myci asked her best friend. "I don't know but apparently they're really good." Zendaya replied quickly.

"I wanna go and Tom can't come with me." Zendaya playfully rolled her eyes while Tom just smirked at his girlfriend.

"So you wanna go?"

Myci raised a brow. "Maybe. IF there's gonna be alcohol involved." Zendaya grinned, "Uh- duh." Myci laughed.

"Man this weekend sucked." The dirty blonde chick grumbled. Zendaya had faced forward once again, now on her phone but still replied to Myci. "Why?" Myci sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "My cousin Monica came over and she kept teasing me about me and Jenna sleeping together."

Zendaya lifted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Like- she wouldn't stop talking about how she thought I was always the bottom or some shit. I don't really remember, I tend to drown her annoying ass out."

Zendaya turned back towards Myci. "Wait- you slept with Jenna?"

"Yeah. I didn't tell you?" Myci asked and the other shook her head with obvious hurt to her face. "Dude when?!" Zendaya asked furiously.

Myci scoffed. "It's not that serious." She mumbled to her best friend. "I don't care I wanna know when my best friend is getting some. I'd rather hear about you sleeping with someone than you doing drugs."

'Fair point.' Myci thought.

The day went by quickly and now it was time for lunch.

Myci made it to the cafeteria a little late. One of her teachers held her back to talk about some work project.

She hated that class too so now she was pissed off. Her face read it too.

"What's up with you?" Mora asked as she walked up to the storming girl. "Mr. Humett held me back and basically talked shit." Mora raised her brows at what she just said. She didn't believe Myci because Mr. Humett was usually a nice person. There's only been at least 3 times she's heard him raise his voice.

But she didn't press into it more.

"Wanna come smoke?" Mora asked the fellow stoner. That instantly made Myci feel better. "Right now?" Mora nodded, "Zane is gonna take us in his big ass truck so we don't get caught." Mora mentioned with a grin.

"mmm I really wanna get high." Myci mumbled as Mora linked her arms with the slightly taller chick.

"Do you mind if I bring someone?" Myci asked as they walked towards the exit. Mora turned and shook her head. "I don't give a fuck." She stated blandly with a laugh. "Bet," Myci took out her phone and quickly called Jenna.

The latina picked up almost immediately. "Hey." She hears Jenna speak. "Hi I have a question." Myci responded into the phone. "Wanna come with me while I go get high?"

Jenna Ortega || 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝓇𝓊𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now