Part 7: The Ultimate Trouble-Maker

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"HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!" (Y/N) cackled. "AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!!"  (Y/N) flipped through the stack of magazines, feasting his eyes on what he had sought for so long. Drinking in all of the lewd imagery.

"Alright, I'm bored now."  (Y/N)'s porn addiction was so intense, that the magazines were only able to satiate him for a few seconds. He sighed melancholically, tossing the stack on the floor.

"Good work." Aki took his hand off of his sword's handle. "That's what I like to see." He trudged past  (Y/N) and stared down at the fiend's corpse, spitting on it.

"That seems a bit excessive..." (Y/N) muttered.

"My entire family was killed by a devil" Aki said harshly. "I've had drinks with police. Every single one of them is putting their lives on the line for the sake of their families. We can't afford to have mercy on devils." Aki turned away from the fiend and walked out of the room. 

"So... What was that about?" Denji asked.

"What crippling porn addiction does to a man."  (Y/N) said as he walked through the doorway. 

"No, I mean..."

 (Y/N) paused.

"You seemed so happy to get that porn, but then you mellowed out. Shouldn't you be... idunno... more fulfilled after achieving your goals?" Denji muttered.

"We all have goals in life." (Y/N) began. "When we complete our goals, we enjoy that satisfaction while we can. After which, we move on to the next." (Y/N) explained. "Stagnating after completing one goal rarely leads to fulfillment. And it almost always ends in dissatisfaction." (Y/N) finished, and Denji was silent. "Buuut  that's just my take on it." (Y/N) chuckled.

"I disagree..." Denji muttered. 

"You do?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

"You're wrong. Chasing after goal after goal was what I had before, and that fucking sucked." Denji clenched his fist, remembering his days working odd jobs and killing devils for the Yakuza. "I've just gotta set myself a truly great goal!!!" Denji yelled.

"...That being?"


"Feelin' some melons!!!" Denji barked.

"Like the fruit?" Makima asked, leaning her head inquisitively.

"Guess there's no changing some things..." (Y/N) frowned, wondering how he was going to deal with the fallout of his dream's implosion.

They had returned from their mission and were currently in Makima's office. 

"Keep your mouth shut!" Aki barked orders at Denji with a hushed tone. 

"With that all taken care of, I can finally get to the reason I called for this meeting..." Makima cleared her throat. "We're having a new member join your squad. Normally we would send out two-man squads for the most convenience. But due to her... unique personality, I see it fit that you, (Y/N) and her will work in a team of three." Makima finished as a crash was heard outside. "Seems that she's here." Makima said as the door to her office was kicked open.

"Huzzah!!! It is I, the miraculous, magnificent, amazing, and drop-dead gorgeous POWEEEER!!!" A girl with long, strawberry blonde horns and pointy red horns on her head strutted into the office, taking an exaggerated pose as she proclaimed her name. 

"Power... wait-Power!? Who the hell names their kid Power!? Wait- you're a fiend aren't you!?" Denji pointed a finger at the horned girl. "Why would we employ a devil to hunt... other... devils..." Denji's argument was cut short as he got a look of Power's chest. "Name's Denji! Nice to meetcha'!" Denji immediately doubled back and introduced himself. 

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