Part 54: Clash

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September 16, 1997


Chainsaw and Consumption Devil begin their battle.


The building the two devils were standing in was erased in a fraction of a nanosecond, reduced to gravel and chunks of concrete by the simple movements of those two monsters.

In an instant, the same occurred to that entire city block. The entire street was leveled momentarily as unseen blows and attacks tore through the air in every direction. Buildings were cleaved in two, smashed to pieces, and utterly shattered in seconds as the devils clashed. They carved a canyon of destruction through Japan itself, opening up a wound in the earth that would have shamed the Gun Devil. The country itself would crumble under the weight of their colossal struggle.


Was the sound of an impossibly powerful blow hitting its mark. Who had been attacked and who had not was impossible to tell, the speed of the devils far surpassing the capabilities of human sight. The only thing that could be seen was a black silhouette punching a hole into the clouds as it was sent over the horizon, carried by the force of the attack they had taken. Their opponent followed, letting out a sonic boom as they lept in the direction their enemy had just been sent.

"I wonder..."

Makima, sitting on the rubble of one of the dozens of buildings leveled in the exchange, gazed at the hole in the clouds.

"Will this world even be able to handle your power...?"



Chainsaw and Consumption Devil land in South Korea.


A mountain was smashed open as one of the devils careened into it, smashing a quarter-mile-wide crater into the cliffside. The other followed, smashing dead-center into the place their opponent landed, destroying the mountain completely. Still, their war raged, and the entire mountain range was carved up as they continued their battle. They pursued one another endlessly, kicking up a storm of dust and debris as they tore through the land.


Chainsaw and Consumption Devil pursue one another through the countryside, narrowly avoiding small population centers and urban areas.

Civilian casualties: Zero.



Chainsaw and Consumption Devil pursue one another into North Korea. No majorly populated areas are hit.

Civilian casualties: Zero.



Chainsaw and Consumption Devil pursue one another into China. Their battle momentarily spills into the city of Beijing, resulting in hundreds of millions in property damages.

Civilian casualties: Zero.



Chainsaw and Consumption Devil pursue one another into Mongolia. No population centers affected.

Civilian casualties: Zero.



Chainsaw and Consumption Devil pursue one another into Russia. The devils move through many densely populated areas, causing massive property damage.

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