Chapter five

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I immediately start whooping with joy. Dennis looks at me, as I am crazy. Which I am. At times. The ship comes closer to the island. I jump off, as soon as it nears the ports, and land on the dock. I grab some rope, and tie it down. Then Dennis comes, and we soon set off to find the master of this town.

It is tiny, with houses floating on stilts, perched in the water. There are boardwalks connecting every home, every shop, together. We walk by townsfolk, who glare at us. We smile, and bow our heads, as a sign of respect. We walk to the master's kingdom, and guards block the door.

" What do you want?" A gruff guard speaks. I look up at him, and keep my voice low.

" We would like to see the master. You see, our ship got lost out at sea, in a terrible storm. We would like it if we could stay here for a couple of weeks, under your hospitality. " The guard nods.

" You don't need to see the master for such occasion. Just go. There are empty houses anywhere, and you can pick one out to stay in. I will have the master informed."

We thank him, and head to a few of the empty houses. There is a small cottage. I step inside, and nearly bang my head on the very low ceiling. Dennis steps inside, and we then start to go to the kitchen. A pantry stocked with food, delights me. I grab some flour, and make pasta. It seems to be, that is the only thing I am good at making.

We sit down at the table, and begin to eat the food. The taste of tomato, fills my mouth. The sweetness of it brings a smile on my face. I can here some rain on the roof, and then I hear a thumping sound on the door.

" Who could that be?" Dennis asks, swallowing a mouthful of pasta.

" I don't know. I will go check. " I stand up, and make my way to the front of the door. I open the door, and my heart stops.

" Oh my god!" I scream.

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now