Chapter seven

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We sit at the fire, toasting in the warm bask. I smile, and sit close to Leo, who snuggles up against me. It's like we are still 17. His black hair is now dry. I'm glad they are back. I even started to miss Van's cooking. I remember the mashed potatoes and fish organs. It was my first day. The fire crackles, and Dennis breaks the silence.

" So... Julie...these are the dead dudes?" I glare at him.

" Yes. These were the Pirates that risked their Damned lives for me." I look down.

" Hey, don't act sad! We are alive an well!" Terence and and Captain William say brightly. They sling their arms around my shoulder.

Dennis gives me a stern look.

" Could, I talk to you? Alone?" He looks at me. I nod my head uneasily. We go somewhere out of earshot.

" Did you see how that smaller boy looks at you? Please tell me you aren't in relationship with him. He gives me the creeps." I glare at him.

" He is only my friend! There isn't anything going between us!" I glare at his stern figure, and push past him. But he catches my wrist, and pushes me against the wall.

" Julie, I just don't want you to get hurt." He looks into my eyes, sorrow, and pain fill them. But for what?.

I slowly edge away from him.

" Look... I'm going to go back. I don't want them to think we are doing something."

Dennis wrinkles his nose." Eww. You and me? Come on. " We walk back to the living space, where Captain laid a map on the floor. It is weathered, and looks a little damp.

" Hey, what's the map for?" I ask, looking over his shoulder.

He jumps, and nearly punches me in the nose. " Sorry sparky. I didn't hear you! Oh, the map is for the route to the Dark Isles. Where we reclaim our property."

I smile. " We should leave tonight then."

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now