Chapter twenty four

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Two days have gone by fast. I barely slept. The rest of the Pirates take turns feeding, and helping Leo out.

So many people have died of the pneumonia.

I walk outside, strolling across the jammed packed dock. Today we leave. The king orders his men to start loading the ship with cargo. Four ships will be going to the Northern isles. I help load some food onto the boats, and then as I turn to get more, I see Leo and the Pirates. He weakly holds onto captain William, and Terence.

He struggles to move his legs. He looks so tiered. So disheveled. I let a cry escape my lips, and I rush towards Leo and the others.

When he sees me, he collapses. Stumbling on to his knees, he reaches all over the ground. I jump away from the pool of sick.

The king takes one look at Leo, pleading to stay back for a few more days, and says,

" We will not leave anyone behind! Men have been waiting for this day, to help you. You get on the ship, now."

Tears fall from his eyes. Tears of misery coat Leo's cheeks. I want to scream at the king, tell him that Leo should stay behind. But this place is infested with the fatal illness, that has killed so many of the innocent, in a week.

" Come on Leo. I'll help you onto the ship. How does they sound?"

He knows weakly, his eyes closed. I struggle to pull him onto his feet, and captain William helps me.

We step onto the ship, and immediately, Leo collapses.

" Get him up." Someone says. I turn.

" And who are you?" I ask, quite annoyed that he is talking to a dying person like that.

" Jack Olsen. Im going to be leading this ship. You can help the lad."

" Oh." Is all I say.

Captain William and Alec left Leo up. Alec with Leo's feet, captain with the arms. Leo can't even pick himself up. I follow them, jumping down the hatch. Leo drags his hand across the floor. A mattress is thrown on the ground by another man. Alec and captain both lay Leo down, and turn to leave.

I get down on my knees. Leo looks at me, with exhaustion washing over his face.

" Don't go, Julie. Stay for a little bit. I love you." He whispers.

" I love you too Leo. I love you too."

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now