Chapter eight

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The song above is viva la vida by Coldplay . Please go on YouTube and search it up. Listen to it while you read the chapter!

The clock tower chimes twelve times. Midnight. We head outside, cloaks covering our faces. Very few people come outside at midnight. The moonlight is shining on the pier. I untie my ship, and jump in. The Pirates wolf whistle. I smile.

" Wow. What a beautiful ship. " They exclaim, in awe. They hop on, and lastly, Dennis gets on reluctantly. He glares at Leo, and goes to the back of the ship.

" What's his problem?" Leo grumbles under his breath.

" I don't know," I say confusion clouding my eyes. We walk to the hatch, and I jump down. He follows.

" So..." He begins.

" So..." I mimic. He smiles.

" You are so rude! I do not talk that manly!" He smirks.

He then starts tickling me.

" Ahh! Stop it!" But he continues to tickle me. I have tears of laughter forming set the corners of my eyes.

" I missed you so much, Julie. You don't know how many days I was depressed. Captain and the others wanted to come back to you. But we were drifting on our planks of wood. It wasn't easy. We found some of the western sailors, and they pulled us to shore. I wanted to kill them. You don't know how they harmed me. They harmed my family."

He stops tickling me, and holds my hands.

" Leo, you don't have to tell me about your family. " I didn't say, how I already knew.

" I love you Julie Darkwaters. So much." He kisses me.

Fire melts the ice in my heart. His lips move with mine. It's like fireworks. Sparks explode in my stomach, and the butterflies escape. His lips taste like cranberries. Sweet, and sour. I love him. So much. I've wanted to kiss him so many times.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!" Dennis screams, pushing Leo away from me.

" Dennis!" I cry out, as Leo hits his head on some hard wood. He slumps to the ground, and his eyes roll in the back of his head.

" why the hell was he kissing you?" Dennis glares at me.

" Because, he wanted to! I love him!" I shoot back.

" Well he can't love you!" Dennis screams.

" Why not?!" I shout.

" BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Dennis yells, heading back up the hatch.

What? He loves me?

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now