Chapter thirteen

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It is nighttime. The moonlight is pale. I rock back and forth in my hammock, trying to go to sleep. But it is impossible. This evenings events have scarred me. Dennis has become a monster. All he wanted was power over us all.

What will happen to us. I get up, and head up the hatch. I just am so upset. How could he just turn into a newly bred creature. He is a wild beast. I don't know what has gotten into him.

I collapse onto the side of the deck, so my body sits against the wall of the ship. I let my cries consume me. Softly, so no one can hear me.

I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn to see Dennis. I jump back.

" Get away from me, you monster!" He smiles sadly.

" I know you hate me."

I am shocked. " How?"

He simply shrugs, and says," The way you talked about those guys, I knew you loved them. They must have treated you with some respect, because I can tell that the way they act all protective around you. Do you like that Julie? It's like how you felt with your parents. All overprotective. I can't believe that you like them."

I let a tear fall. " They are overprotective. But I like it. They still let me do stuff."

He smirks. " How bout we make a deal. You love me in front of Leo and the other so called friends of yours, and I will leave all your petty friends alone. "

I shake my head vigorously. " I can't do that!" I whisper shout.

" Then I will do stuff more then strangling your friends. "

I choke. " Fine. I will do it."

" Okay. You cannot tell anybody what we are going to do then. Not even Leo. Otherwise, the next thing you know, they will be gone. "

I gulp. " Okay. I get it. I will do it."

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now