Chapter sixteen

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Like an astronaut that's scared of heights. It's hard to realize. My spark has been stolen. I was born with fire and gold in my eyes. Dennis took away my fire. I've known him my whole life.

I sit in the basket, looking for an island. The sea is murky, fog hangs low. Captain Dennis shouts at me all day, telling me to cook. He wants to get rid of Van, but we don't let him. I keep careful watch at night for him. He could try and kill any one of us.

All of a sudden, I see an island. The southern isles.

" GUYS! WE REACHED LAND! THE SOUTHERN ISLES!" I jump down, and meet Dennis. He looks angry.

" Dennis, we reached land! Now we can get allies!"

He looks excited. " Now I can finally conquer the world."

I look shocked. " No!" I shout, " we are supposed to help out the Pirates!" He glares, grabbing the dagger strapped to his leg.

He presses it to my throat. I choke back a sob.

" Leo! Captain!" I scream. Dennis glares at me. He presses the dagger into my neck, until a few drops of dark blood gathers at the folds of my neck. I start to cry. Dennis looks shocked.

" Shut up." He looks scared.

I continue to cry, until I see Terence and the rest of the gang jump towards me. Dennis turns around, and lashes out, but Leo knocks Dennis out with the hilt of his sword. Dennis slumps to the ground, his eyes rolled in the back of his head. I let out a wail, and curl up into a ball, rocking back and forth.

Leo kneels down, and takes me in his arms. I smile into his chest. He hugs me, and I wrap my arms around his torso.

He looks at me.

" You're bleeding." He says.

I look down at my neck. Blood is dripping from the small incisions. I wipe it with the back of my hand, only smearing it more.

Leo grabs the sleeve of his shirt, and wipes the cut. It stings.

" I'm sorry." He whispers.

" What?" I ask.

" He did this to you. You don't deserve a friend like him. I don't know what has gotten into him."

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now