Chapter nineteen

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I walk down the stairs, my golden ball gown flowing freely behind me. It sparkles. I wear sandals under my gown. No one is home. They must have left without me. Oh well. I walk back to the kingdom, and heave open the gates.

The kingdom is filled with finely dresses people. I make my way towards leo and the others, who are dressed in fresh, white cotton shirts, and breeches. They turn towards me, and their mouths drop open.

I walk up to them and smile. " Well, you guys look fine." They continue to gawk at me.

" look beautiful.." Leo smiles, awkwardly. He starts to cough. The rest of the Pirates smirk. I smile.

" You look great Leo." I say, trying to get him to become flustered. He gets as red as a tomato. His blush adds color to his pale cheeks.

"Um... Do you want to dance with me?" He asks, offering me his hand. I take it.

" Sure." We walk further away from the rest of the Pirates. They choose their own women, and start square dancing.

Leo puts his hands on my waist, and I put mine on his shoulders. We slow dance around dancing couples, and Captain William smirks, and winks at me.

He dances with a woman with dark curly hair. I wonder what would his wife say.

" Hey Leo," I begin, " what would your aunt say if she knew that your uncle was dancing with another woman?"

He stops. We stand in the middle of the dance floor. " She would probably curse at him in Swedish, then whack him on the head with a rolling pin. But to bad. She's not going to be able to."

" Why not? What's so bad about cursing in Swedish?" I ask.

" Because she is dead." He looks at me, with hurt in his eyes.

" I'm so sorry, Leo. I didn't know." I take his hand, and wrap my hands around it.

The king starts to clap his hands for everybody's attention. Everyone turns.

" Welcome, dark water pirates! The feast will start in just a minute! If everyone can make their way to the banquet hall, that would b a huge help! " We walk over to the banquet hall.

It is huge. Huge rows of tables. Plates are covered in food. Mashed potatoes, with gravy. Spicy, Thai soups, with tofu. Pot roasts, and french fries. A huge variety of food. My stomach grumbles. I haven't eaten in days. Leo smiles at me.

" Be prepared for the feast of your life." He leads me, and the rest of the gang, close to the king's seat. We take our places first. Then the rest of the town comes.

The king clinks his glass with a spoon.

" Let the feast begin!" I start spooning some soup, and I drain the small cup. The soup is spicy, yet sweet. Carrot slivers, and broccoli are in it. I then start eating the French fries, like their is no tomorrow.

Captain laughs. I glare at him. He shuts up, and continues to eat. Van is enjoying his meal, that's for sure. He asked for more, and more. It is as if he never ate food in his life. Guess that is what you get when you eat his cooking.

The king starts to talk.

"So, Leo, how is your family?" Leo jerks from his chair.

His eyes widen, he starts to shake. His face is paler than usual.

" May I be excused?" He says, shakily. The king nods, uncertain of what he just caused. I get up, and ask politely,

" May I be excuse as well?" He nods.

I rush out the door, and outside. Leo sits on the pathway, and cries. I've never seen him cry. It's beautiful, but very sad. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I kneel down to him.

" Leo," I say, my heart aching." Please, don't cry. I'm here for you." He looks up, and smiles through tears.

" Julie, I know you are here for me. It just brings back so many terrible memories. "

" Maybe, you should go inside, and get some water. " I take his hand.he gets up.

" I'm sorry for acting like this in front of you." He wipes his eyes.

" I understand. It's hard to get over losing someone." He turns to me,and whispers,

" But you don't understand. It wasn't just one person, it was my whole entire family. "

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now