Chapter thirty one

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I drew this!! It isn't that good though... Just wanted to share this

The men and women wave to their children. It may be the last time they see them. The thought makes me tear up. Such young children, in the hands of no one, while their parents fight for something that isn't even theirs. The thought makes me feel sick. That twelve year old boy, his whole family is going to help win this war. I would feel so guilty, if my family went to war, and I had to stay home, waiting, and waiting. What if the telegram was delivered? The one that says, that your family member died in combat? I would be shocked.

We depart, and the children wave to their mums and dads, for maybe the last time. They blow air kisses, and I start to let some tears flow down my cheeks. My mum and dad aren't here to do that. But I shouldn't feel jealous. Because, these kids' parents, are fighting to the death. The Captain William blows a conch shell. It makes a loud, deep noise, and the kids cover their ears, while laughing.

We sail away from the docks. I wave at little children in the distance. I don't know how long it will take to reach Leo's home.


We sail on for days, and days. The northern and Southern men, practice sword fighting, while I sit down at the picnic bench, and sulk. There is nothing for me to do. One girl, who looks my age, comes up to me, and sits down.

" What is your name?" She asks, her voice soft.

I look at her grimly, before speaking. " My name is Julie Darkwaters."

She gasps.

" You are the legendary Julie Darkwaters? The one that became friends with the most hostile Pirates? Wow, you are so cool!"

I grin. " You really think?"

" Yes, of course! All women think that they shouldn't be thought of as maids! You inspired us to take a stand!"

" Well, who told you about that?"

" Van. He is such a good person. And so charming! I can't believe he actually cooks! Not many men will cook to impress ladies."

I did not mention how he tries to cook, because he doesn't have a choice. He is apart of the crew.

" Well, I'll tell him that you like him. What's your name?"

Her eyes widen. " My name is Liv. Please don't tell Van I like him! I don't know if he takes interest in me!"

I grin." Well Liv, how 'bout, I talk to can for you? I'll ask him if he likes you."

" You would do that for me?" She asks.

" Well of course I would do that for you! You are my friend anyways!"

" I'm your friend?" She asks, her eyes widening for a fraction of a second.

" Well, you might as well be! I mean, we are going to see each other in battle anyways."

" I'm not going to be in battle. I'm going to be healing. "

" Well that is apart of being in the battle. You are fighting to save lives. I'm grateful for that."

She blushes like mad.

" I'm grateful to have a friend like you." She says shyly." No one has ever been so kind to me before."

" Hey maybe I should ask Van now?" She nods eagerly.

"I'll be back." I say, getting up from the table. I head down the hatch, to where Van is. He is making tomato basil pasts sauce.

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now