Chapter twenty seven

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Please listen to gone gone gone. It'll match this tone of the chapter
He finished the rice and chicken in two minutes. I guess he was hungry. He wipes his mouth, and gets up.

" Well, for someone who hasn't eaten food, or drink, I think that was delicious." Leo says, grimly.

I get up too, from the table. " Get, you seem upset, what is wrong?"

He turns to me, and frowns. " Why would there be anything wrong with me?" His voice seems a little cold. What did I say?

He goes down the hatch. I guess I shouldn't bother him. He has just recovered from a sickness. Maybe it messed with his mind.

I sigh, and go to Alec. " He's mad at me, Alec. Leo is avoiding me. "

" Well, did you say something? Did he get tense when you said something?"

I think back to previous events. The king said something about Leo's family. Leo talked about his aunt. Leo's mum. It all fits.

I mentioned something to him, and he started talking about his family. Well, he might as well cool down. I'll wait to talk to him. He might yell at me if I talk to him right now.

" Alec, I talked to him, and he would mention his family. I think it has something to do with that. I'll talk to him after dinner."

" Ahh...I see. You shouldn't talk to Leo about his family, unless he wants to talk to you about it. It is really touchy for him. It's touchy for all of us. Especially Leo and captain William."

************ time skip to midnight.***********

I lay down on my hammock. Everyone else has gone to sleep. I cannot sleep. My heart aches. I destroyed Leo. I made him sick. It's all my fault. I squeeze my eyes shut, but open them up again. I jump out of bed, and rush to Leo's hammock.

I shake Leo awake. he wakes up groggily.

" Whattaya want?" He has his eyes half open.

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you sick! Please, forgive me! I'm begging you!"

He looks confused.

" Hey..." He says softly, touching my face lightly. " Don't worry. We can go up the deck, and talk about whatever you want to have me talk about."

He gets up, takes my hand and helps me up the hatch with one hand.

I grin. There is my sweet, charming, Leo. We stare at the moon. I hold his hand.

I am quiet, but Leo breaks the silence.

" What would you like to know?" He asks.

" I want to know what happened to your family. Every truth." I say quietly. He looks sad, but smiles weakly.

" Wish granted, my lady. I'll tell you everything."

I smile, and he starts. As I listen to him, I can imagine every detail going on.

" My family was me, my three older brothers, two young little sisters, my mum, dad, Captain William, and my Aunt Esmeralda. We were happy. All of us. Jack, Marcus, and bill were triplets, and all turned twenty four that day. My little five year old sisters, Jane, and Kasie, they were the happiest little kids in the world. I was thirteen at the time.

We were about to cut the cream cheese frosted, vanilla cake that we had for the triplets. Then their wax a knock on the door. Soldiers of the Western Isles. They demanded that we signed Jack, Marcus, and bill for the army. They wanted me too. My mum, being stubborn, said no. We all knew that sending them would be a death sentence.

The soldiers said if we didn't hand the older boys over, our family would be destroyed. Aunt Esmeralda had a way with languages. She could talk fluent Spanish in one day. Then Italian the next. She started to curse at the soldiers in Swedish. They had no idea what she was saying. She taught me those words when my mum wasn't listening, so I knew. She was only twenty seven, so she was still very young. Well, she said that they were fools, and that her nephews would join them when hell freezes over.

Of course, the westerners didn't understand, and grabbed Aunt Esmeralda, and took her away. There was absolutely nothing we could do. Uncle William and my dad were out of town, making a bargain with the western islanders. They would be trading with them. Well, I was only thirteen, and the boys were twenty four. We were about to harm he soldiers, but then they said if either of us moved, our parents die.

The girls didn't understand, and they dove straight for the mens' legs. So, naturally, they got shot infront of us. They died. In front of my own eyes. My mother was sobbing, and I couldn't move. They took my mother away as well. My brothers were the only hope. They said they couldn't go to the army, because the shouldn't be forced to make an irrelevant decision. The got killed. All three of them at the same time. I was alone. My uncle and dad came home, to find dead boys, and girls. They were infuriated. My dad got shot, and killed for no reason.

Captain was furious. He knocked each of the men out, dumped their bodies in the oven, and set the heat for 365 degrees ferenheight, and grabbed me. We ran out, jumped on a ship, and started sailing away. To a different place. To collect our crew mates. Now we will fight for justice. "

The tears that have been kept in my eyes, escape.

" Damn, Leo. I never knew. I'm so sorry for making you upset." He runs his thumbs over my wet cheeks.

" Don't be. I've kept this away from you long enough."

" I'm so glad you told me though. " I say, choking.

" I am too. I love you." He says randomly. He kisses me, with such passion. His lips move over mine, and I can't help but grin. I run my fingers through his hair, and he puts his his hands on my back. We enjoy this moment. Treasure it. Make sure every second without breath, counts.

" Ehhem! Am I interrupting something important?!" Captain William brings us jumping back.

Dammit. I blush Crimson.

" Get back to bed, you love birds." He smirks at us, before shooing us back down to our hammocks.

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