Chapter twenty five

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I stay by Leo's side, the whole night. The ship left the port, and we started sailing to the northern isles. Leo sleeps soundly, and I stroke his face. He wouldn't mind if I left, to check on the others, right?

I get up, and head up the hatch. Captain William sits with some of the men from the southern isles. They are happily talking.

The moonlight is very dull this dark night, and their are oil lamps on the ground. It creates a strange yellow glow onto the men's faces.

I see Jack Olsen chatting away. He catches me, out of the corner of his eye, and winks. I glare at him. He smiles, knowingly, and continues talking.

Terence comes up to me, and we start to talk.

" So... What is going on? Why are you guys happy?" I ask.

" Oh, we are going to reclaim our home! I cannot wait to see my mum, and da!" Terence exclaims, happily.

" But aren't you worried about your crew mate?" I ask.

Terence's expression turns dark.

" He is okay, isn't he? The medicine is working, right?" I nod my head, my thoughts going back to my day dream.

A stray tear escapes my eye, and I brush it away.

" Don't cry, Julie. It will be okay. He will be okay. I hope... That boy has a good, strong, heart. He should survive."

" Yeah. He has a great heart. I love him. I'm getting tiered, I am going to bed." I get up, add a fake yawn for effect, and head down the hatch. I wanted to get out of conversation.

My mattress is in the corner. I plop down, and start to go to sleep.

I wake up in the morning to a shake on the shoulder. It's not even nice. It's rough. I rub my eyes, and get up. Alec looks tearful, and terrified. Tears run down his face.

" Alec, what is it?" I ask, astonished that Alec is crying.

" L-l-Leo." Is all he can make out.

" What about Leo?!" I ask, trying to stay calm.

" He-he is d-d-d-dead!" I stop breathing.

" You are joking right?" I ask. " Is this a sick joke? Because it isn't funny!" I yell.

" It's not a joke, Julie! He's dead! He's not breathing. You have to see." I rush up to the deck. Leo is on the ground, in front of captain William. He is crying. I fall to my knees, and start to cry.

I put my hand to his left breast, in search of any heartbeat. Nothing. I let out a wail of loss. I should have stayed with him last night.

Captain William gets up. Soon all the men surrounding Leo, leave lower deck. I guess the will start drinking. They are mourning. I stay put.

I let tears fall over his still face.

" I know you can't hear me," I say, my voice cracking with emotion." But I love you. I still love you. Don't you damn worry, Leo. I'm never going to forget your beautiful face, even though it looks like stone, and feels like ice. "

With that, I lean down, and kiss Leo. My mouth savers the taste of Magic on his lips. Then I feel it. A twitch.

I jump back, startled. He's alive. Oh my god! I dump a pitcher of water over my lover. He wakes up with a start.

" Did I just come back from the dead?" He says, shocked.

I nod my head, as tears of joy fall from my eyes.

" You're bloody alive. EVERYBODY, LEO IS ALIVE!"

" Hey you know something strange?" Leo asks, with a confused look on his face.

" What?" I ask.

" I don't feel sick. I don't have the pneumonia."

Going to reclaim the Pirates' land.( a sequel to Ship at sea)Where stories live. Discover now