Kieran X Reader - I Ain't An O'Driscoll

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summary - you and kieran develop sum feelings for one another
warning - swearing maybe

ive been wanting to write for Kieran for agesss. this wasn't a request but I hope you guys still like it ❤️

(this story is written for a female reader who uses she/her pronouns! feel free to change anything up while you're reading to suit your identity!)


Feeling out of place hadn't been an uncommon occurrence in your life. Growing up on the streets of Saint Denis had definitely been tough, but was certainly character building. You were headstrong, quick witted and not afraid of anything, maybe to a fault. So joining a gang was right up your alley.

Meeting Dutch Van Der Linde and his posse on an off chance, and joining them, was maybe one of your more impulsive choices in life. It seemed like a good choice at the time.

But now, in a snowstorm, with Davey freshly buried, John missing, widower from a farmhouse and a kidnapped O'Driscoll they had tied up around the back, you were looking back on your past choices, and wondering if perhaps Saint Denis's slums were really that bad.

"How long do you reckon we'll be out here, Dutch?" You shivered in your thin shawl, rubbing your hands together to summon up any kind of warmth that was left in your body.

"Not much longer, Miss L/N," Dutch stretched out these words, announcing them like they were a prophecy. "We have to stay strong."

"I know that, Dutch, but we can't stay out here for a moment longer. We ain't got food, and we can't stay warm in those rundown barns," you huffed, looking at man.

"Miss L/N, maybe if you all had a little more faith, then we wouldn't still be here," he snapped, turning his back on you.

"Ugh," you whispered to yourself, storming off around the back of the main barn. Maybe it was time to break out that final cigarette you'd been saving for a while. As you light the cigarette you're shaky hands manage to drop it straight into a horse trough full of brown sludge and ice. "Fuck," you yell, kicking the trough, causing you to slip and hurt your foot.

Your head turns suddenly when you hear a small snigger come from the other side of you. You turn to see the O'Driscoll tied to a tree. "What?" You bite, still sitting in the snow.

"N-nothing, miss! You alright?" He stammers, looking at the ground.

"Yes. I'm fine," you sit cross legged in the snow, staring at the beaten down O'Driscoll. "What do you care anyway?"

"I don't. Well, I don't, don't, well, miss, you just look frustrated," he stutters, a nervous smile crossing his face.

"I am frustrated. Look at where we are, for Gods sake. I'm in the middle of the snow, talking to an O'Driscoll about my problems."

"I ain't an O'Driscoll, miss, just ran with them for a little while. I hate those fellas," he said in a rush.

"Never should have ran with them in the first place though, should've you?" You grin.

"Didn't have a choice, did I? No money and no family still living."

"Well, that's you and me both then. That's why I'm here, even though this seems to have been a mistake. I like everyone here and I respected Dutch for a while but-"

You look up, hearing a crunch of sticks and snow.

"What are you fucking doing, Y/N?" Micah barks. "Conspiring with the O'Driscoll, hmm?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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