The Signs As board Games

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Aries: Twister. It's not a board game but who cares! You don't listen to the rules. Also you are a twisted motherfucker

Taurus: Disney's Frozen Party Game. Please we are begging you. STOP SINGING LET IT GO.

Gemini: BopIt. TALK SHIT GET HIT. Also why are you here? You're not a board game, so get out.

Leo: Ouija Board. Everyone thinks you are a good idea, until you summon spirits of the dead and kill their families. This would be me :/

Cancer: Sorry. Your life is filled with regret…and pushing too many buttons.

Virgo: Candy Land. You are basically a child who will never grow up.

Libra: Yaztee. You want people to be screaming your name all night long if you know what I mean ;)

Scorpio: Uno. Everyone thinks your their friend, until BAM! You give them a draw four.

Sagittarius: Monopoly. No one leaves alive.

Capricorn: Clue. You're a mystery. Who are you? Where did you come from? Why did you drink all my tequila?

Aquarius: Cards Against Humanity. There is no need for explanation.

Pisces: Janga. Your life is falling apart as you read this.

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