The Signs As Weird Things Cats Do

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Aries: Fights another cat for being in the same room as them

Taurus: Falls asleep with their face in the food bowl

Gemini: When they’re sitting still and then JUST START RUNNING??

Cancer: Hides in weird places

Leo: Watches you all judgy like from on top of the fridge ^.^

Virgo: Brings you a dead animal because you don’t know how to take care of yourself

Libra: Meowing loudly at you when you get home

Scorpio: Knocking stuff off of surfaces for NO REASON

Sagittarius: Sticking their head out the window and then slowly easing their entire body out as well

Capricorn: Moving very slowly while attempting to steal your food so you won’t see them

Aquarius: The head bobble thing

Pisces: Meowing to themselves for no reason

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