Chapter 1

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Levi's Pov:

I had to find the principal's office. I was already late. I'm never usually late. Curse me actually getting sleep. I finally got to school. I looked around trying to find the principal's office. A girl came up to me. She was wearing glasses, but they didn't look clean and that made me digusted. She was with my cousin Mikasa. This is my cousin's school. I was forced to go to here because Mikasa was here, but anyway she was also with a boy too. "Levi these are some of my friends. This is Hange and Erwin, I have other friends and we're gonna hang out soon. I'll show you the principal's office Levi. You'll get your uniform there." Mikasa said. I am very smart and I wanted to go to a different college but I was forced to come to this one. This college is called Sina University. I am not in the mood to deal with idiots. Mikasa took me to the principal's office, and I got my uniform, my dorm key, my locker number, and my schedule. Then she gave me a tour of the school then she left. I went to the bathroom and changed into my uniform then I went to my first class.

I went into class. "Sorry I was late or whatever." I said. "Please introduce yourself." The teacher said. "I'm Levi Ackerman." I said. "Take a seat." The teacher said. The only spot is by this kid who is very handsome and very tall but everyone is taller then me. I went to sit by him and I didn't pay attention in class and opened my journal that had song lyrics written in them. I wrote something down and then erased it. I got frustrated. When it was time to go. I went to my dorm. I didn't have a lot of stuff since I was forced to be here. I just had two backpacks with my stuff inside. I went to my dorm room which is number 284. I opened the door.

There was a small kitchen, dining room and a living room, there were two rooms. I walked all the way inside and took off my shoes at the door. I bought cleaning supplies and cleaned cause it was a mess. There was a laundry room and I found that strange. I went to the room on the left and I see it is taken so I went to the room on the right and sat my stuff down, put my clothes in the closet, and I hung up my my school bag on the hook in my room and I put my work on my desk and there is already clean sheets on my bed. But I washed them again anyway. I grabbed my car keys and went back to the door and put on my shoes, I went to my car to go buy some stuff to decorate my room a little but not to much stuff.


Eren's Pov:

I hung out with my friends before class. When the bell ringed, I went to class. I was planning on ditching but I heard there's a new student in class. I went to class and sat down in my seat. I was already told he was my roommate. Great I am roommates with the new kid. The new kid came in late. I was looking out the window but in the corner of my eyes I saw him. He was pale and looked like he needed sleep. He had short black hair and was very short in height. I can't believe he was my roommate. "Sorry I was late or whatever." He said. I then zoned out and then I heard "Go sit down." and I guess the teacher said that but I didn't really care. Of course the new kid was short but he was kinda scary butnot gonna lie he is kinda fucking hot. Does he work out? Wait why should I care. I continued to look out the window more not paying attention to class. Class ends and I went to hang out with my friends. I had basketball practice soon.

I went to practice. I wasn't happy that I didn't have my dorm room to myself. I couldn't fuck my girlfriend. But I know Kamiko doesn't love me. She cheated on me last year and took some of my money. She still does it but honestly I don't love her and she doesn't love me. What is the point of love it's literally pointless. I went back to my dorm and opened the door and the dorm was clean. I shut and locked the door and took off my shoes at the door and set them aside and went to the room to the right and opened the door and see the new kid at his desk doing his homework, wait what was his name? Eh whatever.

He looked at me, "Oh um hey I didn't know you were here," he said. "Yeah I just got here. What's your name?" I asked. "Oh i'm Levi and you are?" Levi asked. So his name is Levi, "Well i'm Eren. Um did you eat?" I asked. "Oh no I didn," Levi said. "Well I was gonna order pizza. Do you want anything?" I asked. "Um no thank you i'm not hungry. But thanks anyway,". Right after he said that, his stomach growled. "Are you sure? 'Cause your stomach tells a different story," I said, as I raised my eyebrow. "I'm sure..... I'm not hungry," he said, and again his stomach growled. "Are you tryna starve yourself?" I asked, he then looked irratated. "I said I'm not hungry!!" he said, but a little louder. "My bad bro. Just tryna look out for you,". I then closed his door and walked away from his room. Is this dude literally tryna starve himself?! I shaked my head and called the pizza place and ordered a pepperoni pizza.

I waited in the living room and do my homework while watching Tv. When it gets here I open it and pay the person and shut the door with my pizza in hand. I made a plate and a note.

Hey Levi~

I know it none of my business but I can't eat all this pizza. Please eat something please. I am your roommate and I am not letting you starve yourself or whatever you doing but please eat. I know your hungry.

Your roommate ~

Eren Jaeger

I opened his room door and set the slice of pizza on his desk when he wasn't looking and I left quietly and quickly. I grabbed my stuff and went to my room and I worked at my desk while eating my pizza. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. Levi came in and put the pizza on my desk. "Mine your god damn business brat." Levi said. Jeeze he is scary but hot, god damn. Stop thinking he's hot and why did I help him again? "I was trying to help and be nice no reason to be rude and I wasn't going to eat this by myself." I said. He just stared at me like he wanted to kill me. "If you don't want it, just throw it away there's no way this pizza is good when you save it. " I said and he snatched it and ate it like he hasn't ate in a while. How long has he been starving himself? Why do I care for him? He leaves and doesn't say a word. I finished my last slice of pizza and my work, i took a shower and went to bed.


Hey guys we hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/and night!😊😊❤❤

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