Chapter 19

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Eren's Pov:

     I feel bad for ignoring Levi. I love him but I need to let go. Why am I ignoring Levi you ask? Well I'm jealous, I love Levi but he already found someone else. It makes since the song, the sleep guess or whatever he was doing. Only if I was brave enough to tell you. I didn't want to wreck what we had. I wish I was brave enough. I love you....but you're happy with some else. I've been practicing basketball and working at the job my mom got me from her friend. Did I run to her because I am scared to be lonely. Our relationship isn't healthy.  I love someone else who's with someone else. I....I should have told Levi sooner. Ritsuki is cheating on him With my girlfriend. How I do know? Well because I went to a empty classroom to have some time to myself but I saw them having sex. But they didn't see me but I saw them.

And I kinda wish I didn't see them. God I need to bleach my eyes. They've been a thing for a while and been having too much sex. I think she's a prosuite. But I don't think that her parents even know that she's having sex with random guys. And the only reason why I was dating Kamiko is because my dad and her dad arranged us to date and they want us to get married when we graduate. I went to my dorm and made sure the door lock. I took my shoes off and got food and water. I ate and cleaned up my mess.  I went to check on Levi. I saw that he was asleep. I went in and picked him up and carried him to his bed and put the covers on top of him. I left his room quietly and quickly. I went to my room and showered, I did my homework and then streamed. After an hour of streaming I went to bed.


Levi's Pov:

Another week after the kiss. Two weeks totally. Great Kamiko and her little minons are being bullies and making me feel useless. And Eren isn't even talking to me anymore. Actually he's ignoring me and I don't even know why. But Ritsuki makes my day better. We got close. Ritsuki asked me to be his boyfriend like a few days ago. We're going on a date tonight. I got ready. I love him. Not more than I loved eren. I finished get ready and he picked me up. I went with him. Lately he's been acting rude to me and saying mean things. He never acted like this. He's been taking me to bad places. Eren always did his best to give me his best. Great I am comparing them now. After our date I went back to the dorm. I shut the door and locked it. I went and layed down on the couch. I'm crying my eyes out. I slowly began to go to sleep.


Hii! We hope you guys enjoyed! Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/and night!

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