Chapter Six; Crainer

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Crainer didn't know what to think anymore.

He was supposed to hate Henwy, but the anger was subsiding. But it was still there, bubbling and lying wait until it had the reason to strike back into action once again.

It was night. The exact time didn't matter to him. He was lying on his bed, just not quite able to sleep. The silken sheets of blue and navy wrapped around him protectively and kept him warm from the nighttime chills. Crainer eventually stood up and left his house. Maybe a midnight stroll could clear his mind.

Crickets chirped and owls hooted. Fireflies danced through the leaves, even all the way up here. The path he followed was an indention in the entwined leaves, branches, and vines. it was pack together more closely and covered with packed dirt. 

Crainer stopped when he heard voices.

"This feels too calm. Too perfect. Too relaxing after..." Sigils murmured quietly up ahead. Crainer ducked into the foliage as Sigils and Henwy strolled to where Crainer had once stood. The two stopped and turned to each other.

"I thought it would be a good place for me to apologize," Henwy replied, "Or maybe it's not. We can always head back-."

"No, no, no, it's fine."

The two stared at one another for a long time in uneasy and tense silence. 

"I'm sorry," Henwy finally blurted out, "About everything. I really am," Henwy grabbed Sigils' hand. The enderman hybrid stared blankly at the ground.

"Look, if you are still angry, or wanting to banish me, or anything, just tell me," Henwy pleaded softly, cupping Sigils' hands in his own.

Sigils was silent.


More silence.

"Just- just shout! Scream! Yell! Anything! Just say something!" Henwy cried, desperation slipping into his voice," Stop being so-so, so stoic, Sigils!"

Sigils blinked and stared at his and Henwy's hands, as if he was just noticing they were entwined. Sigils looked up at Henwy.

"You're just as perfect as the day we found you."

Henwy blinked rapidly and stared down at their hands. Sigils' gaze followed Henwy's, "And...and I think I need you now more than ever. We might not be brothers by blood, but you sure feel like my annoying younger one," Sigils tried for a small smirk.

"Oh, shut up!" Henwy lightly elbowed his friend and pulled away, "But I'll be here for you, and you can be here for me."

Sigils smiled, "Deal."

Crainer sunk further unto the foliage and started to find his way back to his home. He needed to stop the plan.

But then the paused and remembered. The blood. The fire. The pain. The suffering.

They are murderers. Crainer reminded himself. He let out a sharp exhale.

No. They needed to pay.

Path to Redemption (BoD Book Two); Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now