Chapter Nine; Cherri

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Sigils disappeared into the portal and was closely followed by Henwy. Cherri and Garry were the last two through. The dead town melded into grassless fields and inky black skies blotted with dull stars. The ground was a washed-out gold stone with small and jagged craters across its surface. 

Cherri didn't stop running. She followed the others to the large ring of obsidian towers. Her eyes locked on the glistening white pile of bones in the center of the island. Random items from the overworld surrounded it, like offerings. 

Cherri heard a loud roar. She stopped with the rest of her friends and turned to see the dragon standing in front of the rift that was now stitching itself closed.

The monster stared at the six, unmoving.

Endermen began crowding around the dragon. They collectively let out their shrill enderman shriek that made the hair along Cherri's neck stand.

The dragon observed the crowd and then looked to the six humans that were all panting and worn out from the chase.

The dragon slowly strolled to the nearest tower and exhaled a long blast of purple fire. When it ended, an end crystal floated at the top of the obsidian. The dragon dropped back down to its fours and walked past the overworld dwellers.

It stopped and sat down behind the portal back to the overworld and stared at the group.

"I think it's letting us leave," Henwy murmured through gasps of breath.

"Maybe," Garry replied. Henwy started walking. The rest of the group followed slowly in pursuit.

Henwy and Sigils were the first to enter the portal. Cherri and her friends paused and glanced at one another.

"It's time," Crainer murmured.

"No turning back," They all agreed. The four shared determined glances and dropped into the portal. 

A/N: Uh oh spaghetti o

Path to Redemption (BoD Book Two); Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now