Chapter Ten; Henwy

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Henwy felt the cool air on his face and hooted his victory call. Sigils laughed and joined in his victory call. The two jogged to the bottom of the small hill.  They were now in town in the freed overworld. 

"We did it!" Henwy laughed, feeling slightly dazed.

Sigils groaned, "I'm never skipping leg day."

Henwy laughed again. He spotted the others climb out of the portal on top of the hill. He smiled up at them but it soon faded when he saw their hostile faces.

"Are you guys okay?" Sigils asked carefully.

"Okay?" Ian hissed, "Are you serious? Do you think we just so easily forgot what it was that you've done? What he's done?" Ian whirled towards Henwy.

"No," Henwy shot back, "No one can forget that. I just thought you forgave me. Sigils of all people forgave me."

"Sigils is spineless," Cherri hissed.

"Why would we forgive you? You killed us!" Crainer shouted, gesturing to Ian, "You killed Chang!"

"What?" Sigils asked, turning to Henwy.

"Neither of you have paid for your crimes yet," Cherri snarled.

"So we just have to bring the justice," Garry added.

A/N: When I wrote the draft on paper, I put a small note that said, and I quote:

"Cherri: Prepare for trouble!

Garry: And make it double!"

"I'm writing this at 11:00 P.M. leave me alone"

*Wheeze* now back to the story.

"Haven't paid? HAVEN'T PAID?" Henwy's voice rose to a shrill cry, "Do you not know the Hell Sigils and I have been through? Did you not know we had to watch our friends die in front of our eyes? In our arms!" Henwy turned to Ian, "Did you know I had to watch my family burn?"

Ian's fist clenched around the hilt of his sword. His eyes were wide and glittered with hatred and anger.

The man sprung.

And the battle begun.

Henwy's lips parted to let out a war cry as he rushed forward and revealed his own sword. There was only one phrase that went through his head.

History repeats.

Path to Redemption (BoD Book Two); Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now