twenty eight

645 40 10

"Okay does everyone have their kids?" Seungmin shouted to the teacher. Over all the babbling that was happening, the homeroom teachers made their students count off once more.

 Jisung and his group stood together, but Jisung wasn't really there with them after all. His overhead headphones and that scary glare in his eyes might trick you into thinking believing he was listening to some hardcore stuff. When in fact he was playing a Bruno Mars album on repeat.

 Reading the lips of the teachers and later following the flow of students crowding to get onto the bus, he just kind of went with it. He wasn't feeling all this social interaction right now. To be honest, he didn't even want to be around his friends anymore.

 Jisung nodded toward the bus driver. He walked in between the rows of seats, ducking his head to not get hit with anything. (Yes that happened before) 

He slumped down in his spot and pulled his phone out. This could turn into his worst nightmare. And to be honest with you, he knew something was going to go wrong. Someone was going to break something, fall off a tree, or get stung by a bee; hell he didn't know. 

Jisung knew he couldn't count on Changbin or Chan. They made a competition out of this. And they were loud about it. As the bus started Changbin kneeled on his spot and turned around to face the majority of the boys. He was trying to recruit more people to join their stupid game. And soon enough more joined his battle cry. 

Jeongin was too lazy to even try, he and Minho were sitting together. The older one watching Jeongin play games on his switch. 

Jisung rolled his eyes and turned his music up. In the end, once his few friends had plans... he had nothing to do and no one to turn to. Other teens were talking to whoever was sitting in front of them, faces you have seen countless times in the hallway but never really spoken to. This seemed the opportunity for all of them to become at least acquaintances. 

While Bruno Mars was singing about his heartbreak and never kissing with your eyes open, Jisung was drowning in self-pity.

 Honestly, he could ask himself questions like "why does no one wanna talk to me?" or "why does no one like me?" but even Jisung knew the answer to that.

 If you look like the Grinch year around and behave like him no one wants to approach you in the first place. 

But I am a good person. Am I though? Shit am I a bad person? Jisung spiraled into an existential  crisis. 

The only outcome was the realization that being the moody and mysterious kid might not be all the glory he thought of. But how was he going to change this situation? 

stupid piece of paper : hyunsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now