ch 1-first meeting

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today so far was a shitty morning, i wake up late and my dad yells at me as usual. telling me im a good for noting faggot who dosnt deserve to have free will or live then he started hitting me wich is why i now have this black eye. it will heal soon tho one i get to suck on someones delicious blood. i already planned on where im going to hide the body i have holes prepares in the forest behind the school for this very purpous.

Suddenly my eyes landed on a gorgeous boy, dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and juicy lips and smells delicious. i would never say this out loud but i can think it all i want i dont want people thinking im weak. ive decided what im gonna do with him. i keep looking at him, hes so mesmerising i just cant take my eyes off him i cant wait to taste his blood. He turns his head everything that beautiful boy does is perfect and amazing, hes now looking at me, my heart just skipped a beat.

HES SMOLING AT ME, OMG HES SMILING. i can feel my face going red as i look at jim also red.what should i do? smile back? wave? turn away, but before i could decode the beautiful boy appeared right infront of me.
"hey vance"
I was talking my my best friends finney and robin when robin points out that my crush ( the vance hopper) was starinf at me so i turned my head and smiled nervously, i saw him blush a litte as i felt my self heat up too. finney saw thsi entertaining and decoded to push me over to him and to go talk to him!! hey vance is wjat i said.

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