preparing for a sleepover

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i walked off to my next lesson head down as vance walked the opposite way, the back of the school where he usually goes i think. i laugh to myself bc of how different we are but now we are friends and hes a vampire, i love vampires sm! thats probs why im not scared of him. looking up i saw finney, "hi finn" i say
"oh hi bruce, im sitting next to you today i need to ask you smth" finney said smiling st me.
"alr, what do you need to ask me?" i say walking to our table
"well, robins having a sleepover party or smth for some reason and he invited all of us!" finney said happily.
"who is all of us?" i say jokingly
"well robin(obv), me, you, griffen, billy and vance." finney replied
"hang on vance, robin is friends with vance?!" i said shocked
"omg yes did you not know, they both had a fight against moose and after that decided to be friends." finney stated
how did i not know that. its weird how come neither of them never mentioned it to me. "alr when is it?" i said
"tonight, after school." finney said
"what tonight, ur all coming to mine after school to convince my mam to let me go, bc no way she would say yes if it was just me!" i saod worried
"alr alr we will, well i will idk abt the others." finn replied laughing
"ur not funny finn." i said sarcastically

finney and robin were frantically searching arounf the halls for the rest of their little gang. finn spotted Vance and called him over to help look. then robin found billy and griffen giggling at something and hit them on the head telling them to hurry while laughing and running away as billy chased him. they were now all looking for bruce, he was always the last to be found for some reason they just never seem to spot him or see him. bruce finds it weird too. vance was walking around scanning his eyes everywhere to find bruce when he spotted him. he thought,what harm would it be if i had a little snack?

look at him wondering around in all his beauty. i think im rlly starting to like this boy not only for his blood. i walked up to him confidently and said to him "i need blood."
he nodded and started walking towards the toilets and i followed. one we areived he went into one of the toilets and i followed locking tbe door behind me. i grabbed him and pusjed him against the toiled walls and they made a slight creaking noise. i took of his scarf and kep it in my hand then looked at him and then went down and started licking his neck passionately. i then proceeded to bite into him makinf sure to suck nice and hard just the way bruce likes it. i can hear him make a noise and that drives me crazy and i start biting him everywhere on his neck as he holds onto me. i pick him up wrapping his legs around me torso and pushing him against the wall again for more support. he made a whimpering noise and coved his mouth so quickly. i slowly placed him on the ground wrapping the scarf around his neck gently not to hurt him.

we make it back to the other and we start walking. idk why i agreed to go to this sleepover ig its bc robin is a pretty convincing guy. and bc my sweet bruce is going. "can anyone come wirh me to my house to convince my mam and get my stuff?" bruce asked still a little bit flustered from earlier.
i said sure and the same with the rest if the guys. so we started heading to bruces house.
" ur beinf quiet" bruce said slowinf his pace to match mine.
"ye im just thinkinf ig" i replied
"oh ye, abt what?" bruce asked laughing
"well u, and why agreed to go to this sleepover anyways." i answered
"oh wow, thats nice, im glad u think abt me." bruce said smiling at me sweetly.
i laughed a bit embarrassed. "hurry up love birds, griffen saod from infront of us!"
i dont know griffen that much but hes a good mate and nice guy to know. "were not love birds!" bruce yelled in his ear laughing
everyone else joined in the laughter.

the little gang areived at bruces house, getting reasons ready for why bruce should be allowed to have a sleepover. they knock on the door and his dad answered! " dad, what are you doing here!" bruce said surprised
"you mam had to work late, what u all want?" his dad asked them.
"ik its kinda stupid bc we like 17 and stuff but can i pls go to the sleepover with all of these?!" bruce saod begging
"sure why not" his dad replied chilled.
"omg ty dad!" bruce said running info his house.
"WAIT HERE ILL QUICKLY GO PACK A BAG!!" bruce shouted as he ran into his house.
all lf the boys we're playing about for about 5 mins when bruce rushed out of his door and greeted them all.

"okay guys make yourself at home" i said as i welcomed them all onto my house!

this ch was about 920 words.
today i finished chucky the series bc my friend told me to watch it lmao.
anyways hope u keep enjoying my writing amd ye.

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