day at the lake

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"okay guys ill set everything up, u all go in the water!" bruce said motioning them to leave.
"im staying with u to help" vance said.
the others just laughed and smiled and took of there tops and pants to reveal that they were wearing swimming costumes. billys was blue with black stripes at the bottom. griffen and a blue one with ducks on it. robin had plain bright orange ones on and finney had navy blue with a rocket on it.

bruce started setting things up with the help of vance. for some reason robin packed a little tent just enough room for all of them. bruce got all the towels out and places them in a mini line bc everyone had there own towel. for some reason they noticed they were short a towel. "damn, i forgot my towel!" vance said to bruce.
"u can share mine with me if u want?" bruce offered.
"sure yes thanks, but okly if ur sure!" vance replied.
"im sure" bruce answered giggling a little.

when they got everything ready and there food out bruce and vance joined the boys in the water. they were lucky bc there was no one else there. but they weren't complaining bc they were in a beautiful place and get to play together.

"WEEE" griffen yelled and he swung on the rope and smashed into the water. he rose a few seconds later. "hey u two, wanna go next?" finn asked
"ye sure" vance replied but bruce was hesitant and just stood there smiling.
"bruce u coming?" vance asked.
"uhh ye sorry i was just thinking something." bruce replied.

first went billy he made quite a big splash but his arm slipped when he tried to grap the rope so it didnt work well. they went griffen, his splash was defo bigger that billys but nothing too special. next went finney who didnt even let go of the rope and just swung there saying it was too cold, untill robin jumped and took them borh down with him and made a massive splash. they vance went and he was swinging around for a while picking up the pace and then he flung off and kinda did a little flip into the water creating a massive splash bigger than robin and finneys. vance decided to stay in the water to get used to it while the rest got out.

it was now bruces turn. he looked a little nervous. but jumped in nonetheless. he swung then splashed making a pretty big splash bit not bigger than finenys or robins. they waited but he wasnt coming back up after a few seconds. vance immediately ducked under looking around opening his eyes underwater. he could hold his breath longer bc he is a vampire so he looked for bruce and found him struggling to swim.

he immediately dived over and held him in his arms and notices that bruce couldn't breathe so he kissed bruce underwater, transferring air from him to bruce so he could breathe. even though under water and struggling bruce eventually opened his eyes to see that vance was kissing him. then he calmed himself and smiled to himself as he felt vance start swimming up holding him tight. there heads popped out of the water and they stopped kissing and breather air. vance was still holding bruce and dragged him to the towels to ask him what happened. they were both blushing and walked to the towels with the rest following behind stunned at what they just saw but also worried abt there friend.

"hey bruce u alright?" griffen asked.
"ye im fine, i just cant swim and didnt think the water was that deep but vance was there to save me anyway!" bruce blurted out quicly.
finn walked up and slapped him on the head lightly "dont ever scare us like that agin and dont jump into water if u cant swing stupid!"
"okay i wont" bruce said smiling a litte at the fact that his friends rlly did care abt him.

eventually bruce told everyone to go back to the water so they did apart from vance. "im glad i was in the water and saved u in time" vance said quietly sitting next to bruce.
"thank you sm" bruce said giving vance a kiss on the cheek. they were both blushing and looking at the floor not daring to look at eachother.
hi this has 760 words in it!
this ch was kinda cute ig but also eventful.
tell me what u think and implements in the comments it would be a great help and nice to hear ur guys opinions.

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