sleepover pt4

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brw im rlly tired rn so thre might be more spelling mistakes than usual. very sorry 🙀😭
bruce is so beautiful, sleeping so peacefully and perfectly. hes such an angel. i decided since its nearly valentines day, im going to ask him out but i need to ask these morons to help me!

i wish i could sleep too, bit i dont usualt sleep through the night that often bc that when i used to go and get blood from humans and sometimes make the journey to a hospital to get blood bags, but i haven't needed to, since i became propper friends with bruce. i wonder what i should get him? maybe some flowers? or a pair of sunglasses. yk bc sunglasses are cool af. i chuckle a little to myself. i rlly hope i dont get rejected also i hope ive got the gut to tell him.

bruce is like no boy ive met before, he amazing, smart and kind, he's perfect in every single way shape and form. if anyone were to say antthing bad abt him or hit him or do anything to offend him or make him upset, id kill them. id drink there blood till they have none left then burn thr bodies. acc thats a bit dramatic depending on the situation ill probs just beat them up real badly. i've never felt any attraction to ant girls but when i saw bruce it just clicked something inside of me snapped, i knew he was rhe one, and i think i was right bc hes perfect and we get along lovelyly.

i can hear robin snoring and finney mumbling something. im keeping real quiet and trying to listen. "ihn ro—-in, robin, i lo— you'" i could make out of what finney said "come b—ck to m-me" he finished off.
ha i cant wait to tell everyone what i heard.

tonight seems like a longgg noght, i can slightly hear the tv from downstairs, robin's uncle is probabilistic still up. Bruce started wriggling around soinfing like he was going to cry in his sleep, so i him hugged tightly and patted his head as he slowly started to realise he was awake. immediately he pounced on me and hugged me "i thoughtu were dead, i thought i killed u!" bruce said as he started crying quietly.
we were practically lying on thr floor with brice ontop of me. i held him tight telling him "everythings alr, im alive, ur alive, so stop crying okay!" "everythings gonna be alr" i added a few seconds later.
i kept hugging him and comforting him until he peaceably entered his slumber again.

tbh seeing bruce cry and freak out like that made my heart sink. he looked so upset, i never wan thim to feel that way. hes too kind for sadness! i closed my eyes thinking of bruce, he deserves only kindness and love in his life. if anyone maked him feel that way ever, ill beat them up amd possibly kill them.

it must of been a while bc when i opened my eyes it was light out and the light was seeping into robins room and slightly into the tent. sooner or later evwryone woke up apt from bruce. finney went and git a sharpie and said we should draw in his face. i agreed only so thag i can draw something cute and nice for him. robin went first, he drew a massive dic of his forehead. then was griffen, he drew a little smiley face in the space inbatwen. then went billy he drew a dancing chicken on bruces neck. then it was finney he drew a rocket ship trying to hidd the difk robin drwe. okay now its my tersn!! i drew skme hearts everywhere, his nose, neck, eye, moufh, back. litrallt anywere i coudl put a few!

wveryone was giggling and laughing, while i was surprised that one, bruce is still asleep, two, no one has asked why we are hugging! i gonna expose finn now, im pretty sure were all fags anyways. (im lesbin also i dont mean fag in an offensive way i mean in liek a friendly joking way) hey guys, wanna know what i heard finney saying when he was asleep?!

"yes, yes, pls tell" they all answered one after the orher apt from bruce and finney obv.
"okay i heard finney mumble something but robin was snorinf so loud i couldnt hear most of it!" i said
"silly robin" groffen said light giving him a wak in trhe shoulder!
"anyway i heard finney say somethinf liek this ' i love you robin, come back please!" i sait smirking. robin and finney blushed and looked at each other for a bit. griffen and billy were amused by this and smiled making heart shapes around them. there si childish. haha. i suppose i am too tho so i cant say much!

"mhm, good morning" brucr saod sitting up and wiping his eyes.
we all desided not to tell him and to let him find out himself in his own time. "morning darling" i saod ro bruce smirking.
"darling?" bruce said nervously blushinf a little.
"yes, u dont mind do u?" i asked him trying ti impress him at least a little.
"no its alr, its nice to be called that by you." bruce responded woth a sweet smile.

by that time everyone was now looking at us making ohhhaoooo noised amd making hearts around us like little children.
hello, tysm for getting my book in the top 30 of brance books. its in 27, im so happy and just wanted to thank you all.
im so exited and happy rn but also very tired.
don't forget to sleep and eat everone and pls continue enjoying my story!

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