getting redy for date

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i gently chucked my suff on the floor near everyone elses bags on my team and ran over to my coach.

i walked off the pitch with my friend joe, we head over to the changing rooms, i wait till theres no one left and get changed myself. i get changed quickly and head over to where my team was. "hey bruce, u did well in training today." my friend jake saod.
"thanks u too" i replied
i looked over to my mams card and she looks like she wanted to leave now. ik shes in a rush this morining so ill hurry up.

"alr guys, i gtg my mams waiting ans shes in a rush!" i said to my team
"alr bye bruce" jake said giving me a little hug.
i rushed over to my mam and got in the car. "hey mam" i said
"hello bruce," she said turning on the car "lets go home!" she added.
we were driving for about 5 mins then "u got any plans today?" my mam asked
"uhh yes, i was hoping u would let me go out at 2?" i asked
"yes ofc sweetie, make sure you have fun and have a shower before you go out.

i arrive home and drop down mt bag and take off my shoes. them heading up to my room, i start looking through my draws for the perfect outfit. i take out 3 tops and a pair pf jeans. i like the jeans bit idk wich top? i have a plain white top, i have a black one with some writing of something and a grey top woth a pattern on it. i also take out my favourite red hoodie! i go in the bathroom amd turn on my showe ans check ive got a towel.

i came into my room and grab my clothes and shove them on. i lie down on my bed just thinking amd staring at my ceiling. whats the time i wonder as i turn to look at my alarm clock. its 1:23. okay ive got like 40 mins untill my date. i giggled and smiled. a date woth vance hopper.
im so tired rn
abt 400 words
ill try to post more often
anyeays byeeee

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