sleepover pt2

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quick thing before i start i accidently wrote "do be afraid to leave a comment" or smth like that at the end of the last chapter but i ment to say dont be afraid to leave a comment for me to improve anything. just wanted to confirm that thanks for reading.

"yk im getting bored of truth and dare lets get some snacks and watch a movie?!" griffen said with excitement!
"ye sure, but the only problem is i ran out of snacks so we'd have to go to the grab'n go"(idk if i said grab'n go right btw) robin said.
"alr sure ill go get the snacks to save all of us from going!" vance offered.
"not by yourself u wont, im going with!" bruce blurted out.
"alr sure thats fine with me" vance replied
"hey everyone give me a pound, u dont think me and vance are paying for all ur hungry asses!" bruce said laughing sarcastically.
vance giggled at this as everyone gave bruce a pound.
"are u sure thats enough?" vance asked bruce as they walked out the room together.
"ye the stuff at the grab'n go are rlly cheap," bruce said "ur there all the time u should know"he continued as he giggles a bit nudging vances arm.
"ye im there all the time, but not to get food to play on my baby pinball machine." vance said laughing
"ye ik ik, i was just messing with you" bruce replied also laughing.
vance and bruce continued to walk amd laugh untill they got downstairs and told robins uncle where they would be going. "okay be careful u kids!" he saod laughing as he took a sip of beer unpausing the tv.
"okay we will" vance replied slipping his shoes on.
bruce and robin started walking down the street. the sun had started to set and the sky was a beautiful mix of orange and pink all around. they both stopped to look at it for a while. vance turned to look at bruce, while. bruce was still looking at the sky. vance scanned the boys face and observed every feature that bruce had. his glistening eyes in the setting sun. his rich shiny hair laied perfectly on his head. his beautiful pinky lips sat on his face perfectly. he thougjt to himself 'god i rlly love bruce, i have to face it. i do have a crush on him!' bruce rhen notices and waved his hand in front of vances face "earth to vance, hello" bruce saod curiously.
"oh uhh, ye, we should keep going cant keep everyone waiting to long" vance said starting to dash off.
"hey wait for me!" bruce said as he sped up to catch up to vance.
it felt like forever walking down the streets and it was starting to get a little dark when they reaches the grab'n go. they entered and bruce started walking to get everyones usuals as vance walked off to get the blood he hidden a while ago. bruce wondered around and got some sweet popcorn for finney, a nerd rope for griffen, tea cakes for billy. bruce had just gotten to the biscuit bit so that he could get digestives for robin and himself, when vance appeared and tapped bruce on the shoulder. " hey i need blood," vance said looking particularly hungry "theres no blood in here where i left it!"
"oh uhm okay, have some of mine." bruce saod worried for him.
"not here right now, theres cameras," vance said nervously "are you nearly finished?"
"yes just gotta pay for this" bruce said picking up some digestives.
"o-okay, ill wait outside the shop for u" vance saod rushing out the shop.
bruce paid as quickly ad he could desperately wanting to help vance. bruce exited the shop and immediately felt a had on his wrist pulling him into an alleyway. vance pinned bruce against the wall and moved bruces scarf out the way then went straight in to bite bruces neck this time, thirsty for blood. bruce was shocked but felt happy being able to help a person he cared for dearly. it seemed to be going on for much loger that bruce expected as he started feeling a little dizzy. "v-vance are you nearly d-done?" bruce said shakily.
"yes im done, but im carrying you back u look a hit dizzy." vance stated licking the blood dripping from bruces neck pushing the scarf back over his neck.
"okay thanks" bruce said as he felt someone picking him up.
vance picked up bruce bridal style and started walking down the street into the darkened sunset.
this was a pretty short ch but it was sweet. around 800 words!
any ways hope u like my story so far!
nearly new years eve hope everyones exited, im spending mine with my grandparents !
anyway have a good day and stay safe!

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