sleepover pt 1

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they all entered robins house one by one shoving each other out of the way all taking off there shoes at the entrance. Robin invited them in and took them upstairs to show them the blanket fort he made for them all to hang out in. "Come in guys i made a blanket fort u need to see if," robin said quicly dashing up the stairs "follow me!"
they all laughed and followed robin to his bedroom apart from finney that was taking his time bc he already knew robins house like the back of his hand.
"ik its a bit babyish for our ages but i thoufht it would be fun," robin said proudly as finney walked in "took you long enough finn!"
"ye finn" griffen saod cheekily
"hey how about we play truth or dare?" billy suggested
"ye im up to it" vance said
"yes me to!" bruce replied
"same," "same," "same."the rest of the boys replied.
"okay then everyone in the fort we go!" robin said diving into the fort!
they all followed after him!

"okay ill go first, since its my house!" robin said giggling.
"okay, finn truth or dare?" robin asked finney
"uhh truth" finney replied
"okay, whats ur sexuality?" robin asked
"ugh i thought u already knew this!" finney said staring at him
"yes but the others dont!" robin said smirking
its not that finney was worried they wouldn't accept him for being bi he just hated saying it out loud sometimes but he felt safe around his friends so he saod it.
"uhh im bi" finney said lookign around at others faces.
"alr thats cool" vance said
"ye good for u man" bruce said giggling in a nice way.
finney sighed in relive.
"okay then, bruce truth or dare?" finney said worh a smirk
"dare!" Bruce said confidently
" hehe, okay u have to kiss.."finney said pausing
"who?!" bruce said a bit annoyed
"vance" he grinned looking af vance that started to blush at the thought of bruce kissing him. Bruce was also blushing, knowing that he had to kiss vance, though he is the one he would rather kiss than anyone else so he was kinda pleased. "o-okay vance, im gonna kiss u now." bruce said crawling his way over.
"o-okay" he replied
as they both closed there eyes and there lips met they lnew it felt right. vance held bruces waist that shocked him for some reason but vance took that as a chance to slip his toung in and start exploring bruces mouth. bruce just let him feeling flustered and embarrassed. vance and bruce continued untill griffen separated them saying "its taking u guys forever to finish up so ill do it for you!"
" i knew u guys liked eachother" robin blurted out making heart shape with his hand and vance and bruce in it. finney and billy started going "aww how cute of a couple!"
vance and bruce jusf sat next to eachother in shock still embarrassed from the kiss but both extremely enjoyed it! vance looked up at bruce and cupped his cheek with his hand just lookign if him for a while. bruce smiled and stared back. then vance said "its you turn to ask truth or dare" he said lookinf at bruce!
" oh ye, truth or dare vance?" bruce said smiling
"uhmm ill go for truth!" vance said grinning
"hmm okay, i need to ask you a quick question first." bruce said
bruce leaned over to vances ear and whispered "do any lf them know ur a vampire?"
"yes they all do u were the last to find out as i only recently became friends with u, bit i was friends wirh them for a while so ye." vance replied also now whispering in bruces ear.
"okay then, how did u become a vampire, or were u born one?" bruce said curiously
"okay well i was born one and my whole family are vampires, and we all have someone who we have a blood bonds with like mine and yours." vance said lookinf at bruce
"hmm alr cool." bruce said
"i already knew this!" billy and griffen said
"ye same" finney nodding his head
"alr now get on with ur turn vance!" robin saod laighinf
"alr alr i will, griff truth or dare?" vance said laughing
"uhb truth" griffen said
"okay, do u have a crush?" vance said already knowinf the answer
"uhh yes" griffen answered
"really who is it?!" billy asked
"no not answering any questions!" griffen stated
"ugh okay" billy sighed
"alr my turn bitches!" griffen said
"bill, truth or dare?" griffen asked
"dare" billy replied confidently
"okay, do you have a crush?" griffen asked curiously
"uhh ye, yes i do!," billy laughed and looked at griffen
"im not answering any questions eather before u start asking!" billy added
"ugh alr" they all responded
"okay, robin truth or dare?" billy asked
"ill go for dare!" he replied
"i dare u to hold finns hand for an hour!" billy said smirking.
"uhh alr" robin said moving his hand towards finneys.
robin placed his hamd on finneys and finn turned his hand around so it was palm on palm. then robin intertwined the hands together gripping finney hand strong. they were both blushing as they kept ahold of each others hand.

okay this ch had like 900 words in it!
this is only pt 1 of the sleepover, there shall be others!
anyway continue enjoying my story and do be afraid to leave a comment on how i can make jt better or any suggestions! 😻

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