heading to the lake

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"does anyone have any clothes i can borrow, i forgot mine?" bruce asked rummageing around in his bag.
"i do" i replied handinf him a white top, my hoodie and grey shorts.
"thanks vance!" bruce said with a grin.
god hes so cute. i adore him bruce is so perfect. everyone was going to get changed now in twos. finney and robin went into the bathroom. griffen and billy went into a spare bedroom. and me and bruce were left in robins room.

we just got changed in silence. i think bruce might of been a bit embarrassed tbh. i was pretty calm tho and i slid off my top and leaned down to get my fresh one. i looked over to bruce. he was blushing slightly while looking at me. "like what u see darling?" i saod sarcastically.
bruce didn't respond but only turned around and started changing himself. "dont look!" is all he said after turning around.
"okay okay i wont, pretty boy!" i said with a wide grin on my face.

pretty boy?! why is be calling me pretty boy. i could feel my face heat up. i was blushing at what vance hopper had just said. no way. im not. whayever im just gonna get ready.

everyone was gathered downstairs redy to set off on our walk to river or smth. i cant rlly remember where were going but oh well. i slide on vances hoodie that he lent me and feel really cozy in it. i notice that vance doesn't have one tho. "did u give me ur only hoodie u brought?" i asked.
"yes but its alr im not cold or anything so its fine!" vance responded patting my head smiling. a genuin smile.

"OKAY LETS GOOO!" griffen shouted as he started walkind down the street. it was a pretty long walk, nice but very long. there was loads of windy narrow paths. but it was beautiful, the sound of the birds, the smell of the flowers. we had to go through some woods at some point.

"hey you can go through this woods to get to my house as a short cut!" vance told everyone!
"oh thats cool" robin saod to him!
"ye so if we get lost ik the way out!" he saod proudly.
"okay good for u" billy said sarcastically.

me and vance were walking next to eachother, billy and robin were talking next to eachother and finner and griffen were next to eachother as the path in the woods was wide enough for only two people. my hand brushed agains vances as we were walking.

suddenly vance grabbed my hand and started swinging out hands humming a relatively quiet tune to himself. it was a nice tune very calming. and the swaying of our hands made me feel even more comfortable. being around vance for me was like parricide. i can be myself around him. i looked over to vance who was already looking at me blushing . this made me blush too as we just stared at eachother mesmerised.

then finney waved his hand infront of out faces shouting "HEY WERE ALMOST HERE!!"
"we cant be we havent even left the woods y-" i was i interrupted by griffen "are u blind weve been out of the woods for like five mins now!"
we acc were out of rhe woods. i must've noticed. whoops.

i look down to see im still holding vances hand. finney looked down too and started smiling. "ooohoh, how cute ur holding hands!" finney said sarcastically.
i just blushed same for vance. our faces were as red as tomatoes! or so griffen told us. "HEY GUYS, WERE HERE!!" robin shouted with an exited tone!
"YESSS" everyone else responded with excitement and joy in their voice!
hey guys this has 650 words.
hope u still enjoying my story! and hope u continue to read next part will be out tmro!
have fun and remember to eat and drink.

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