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    Before Maddox leaves to go back to his place, he takes my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and calls his phone so he'd have my number.

    After all the guys go back to the frat house, I walk to my room saving his number in my phone as well. It's 5:30 so I have to get moving. First stop shower. Making sure I shaved my legs really well and lathered myself in strawberry scented body wash I get out to look for a dress and strappy heels, as requested by my sexy date.

I heard my phone chirp the sound for a new text message. Looking, I see a text from Maddox. DO YOU HAVE A WHITE DRESS?

I reply: YES...Y?


Okay, this boy is crazy but I pull out my white halter dress that's not too short and my white strappy heels and get dressed. Next, I put on a little make up, not too much just mascara to make my eyelashes even longer and some lip gloss. Making sure I didn't get my hair wet in the shower, I start to put it in a low pony tail then grabbed my phone texting Maddox. HAIR UP OR DOWN?

His reply was instantaneous. DOWN.

I smile and I decide to style it in large wave like curls, I look pretty I think. Not really in Maddox's league but not too bad. I hear the doorbell ring and grab my red clutch purse and head toward the front door. J.J. is standing there with a camera taking pictures while Maddox pushes him with one hand and holds flowers in the other.

Maddox notices me and stops pushing J.J. He stares longingly, looking me over from head to toe. When his eyes meet mine I feel like I'm on fire. He has on a perfectly tailored expensive dark blue suit with a white shirt. But that's not what makes me want to jump his bones. No, it's the thick, dark framed glasses he's wearing, like Clark Kent, aka Superman. Whom, I hate to admit, I have a serious crush on and have since forever. I remember on a dare one night with my best friend and gay neighbor Chris, I admitted I thought of Clark Kent the first time I touched myself. That ass still buys me anything Superman related that he sees just to humiliate me even further.

"You look beautiful." He says huskily.

"So do you." I say.

"Hey, what about me? Do I look beautiful?" J.J. says fluttering his eyelashes. Maddox hands him the flowers and tells him to put them in water. When J.J. turns to leave Maddox takes my hand and leads me to his car.

Maddox opens the car door this time to a classic black Porsche. Before I get in the car he leans in and brushes my lips with his. I look up and he's still very close one hand on my hip pulling me toward him the other tracing my jaw. Then he kisses me again this time crushing his lips to mine, firm and so hot. He licks my bottom lip and I part my lips, his tongue touches mine and I moan. This triggers something in him. He pulls me even closer. I can feel him hard against my stomach and I have to clench my legs together. What is he doing to me? We hear a car horn honk and I jump back breaking the kiss. Maddox is still holding me firmly, not at all affected by the car horn. I see Logan pulling into the drive way and get out of his car. Maddox shakes his head as I get in the car. "Give me a second. I'm going to talk to him. I'll be right back."

I can tell he is angry so I grab his hand. "Let's just go. Please?"

He hesitates but nods his head yes, he still turns to glare at Logan who is looking back at him, ready for a fight. I hold my breath as Maddox walks around the front of the car and gets in. I let out my breath loudly and he looks at me and smiles. "You thought I was going to go after him, huh?"

"Yeah I did." I reply laughing lightly.

"He's jealous. Can't really blame him for that." He shrugs, starting the car.

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