Ch. 71

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Eight weeks later

It was the morning of our doctor's appointment, we get to hear the baby's heartbeat and I'm excited. I don't know how to describe Maddox. He seems to be tense but happy and excited too.

We don't say much on the way to the appointment but I think both of us are too lost in our own thoughts to notice. I check in at reception and we go sit down. It feels like a lifetime before we are called back but in reality it only takes about fifteen minutes. When we are called back we go to the room and I sit on the table. I'm not given a gown so I wonder briefly what's going to happen. Dr. Harris walks in with a big smile.

"Today's the day we hear your baby's heartbeat." He says happily.

"Yes, we are very excited." I reply when Maddox just keeps pacing.

"I can see that, let's get started." He grabs a sheet and I lay back.

"Maddox, why don't you help her pull up her dress and put the sheet over her hips?"

Maddox comes over and pulls my dress up for me and places the sheet over my underwear leaving my belly exposed. Dr. Harris comes over with a tube and squirts a clear jelly on my stomach. He then takes a device from the wall and places what looks like a microphone on my stomach. I hear swishing then I hear a rapid beat.

"That's the baby's heartbeat. Don't worry, it’s supposed to be that fast. It sounds healthy and strong."

Maddox visibly relaxes and kisses my hand. Maybe now he'll be able to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I know he worries constantly about losing the baby.

"Have you had any morning sickness yet?"

"I feel nauseous at different times in the day, but it seems to go away when I eat something."

"Well keep eating, make sure it's healthy snacks you don't want to gain weight too fast. In the next couple of weeks it could get worse but don't be alarmed, it’s normal. So is fatigue, so make sure you get plenty of iron and rest."

"When do we know she should start staying at home? What if she has nausea all day and can't eat? Don't they have a pill for that?" Maddox questions Dr. Harris.

"Hadley should stay home when she feels weak or dizzy which can also be a side effect of pregnancy. If she is too nauseous to go to class and if she can't keep anything down over a twenty-four hour period we'll talk about getting her help for the sickness."

"Thank you, Dr. Harris. I'm sure I'll be fine." I say.

"When do we schedule the ultrasound?" Maddox inquires.

"In another nine weeks." He answers.

Dr. Harris wipes off the gel from my belly and I pull down my dress and sit up. "Anymore questions?"

I look to Maddox who shakes his head and I answer. "No, thank you. I think that's all."

"Then I'll see you both in another nine weeks. Call for any questions and concerns. You'll get a pamphlet telling you what to do for the ultrasound and a lot of women read books like What to Expect When You're Expecting, to get an idea of what's to come with their pregnancy."

"I've glanced at it. Maddox read most of it though." I say smiling.

"I bet he has." Dr. Harris replies chuckling. "Take care, see you soon." He says leaving the room.

Maddox helps me down from the table and we leave the room. We stop at reception to make our next appointment. Once we're in the car I think about the last eight weeks. I haven't heard from Alex or Chris. It breaks my heart that I've lost two of my good friends. I wish Chris would give me a chance to apologize, but he's not having it. I can't help but wonder how they are doing. Maddox is right, I need to keep a respectful distance until they are ready. I wish I had them with me through this pregnancy, but I understand why I don't.

The house we bought will be done going through minor renovations in the next couple of days. Maddox has done everything to make sure it's perfect. He's been so attentive and concerned with the baby, me and the house. Plus, he has work and school to stay on top of. I don't know how he finds the time or the energy.

I look over to him and I'm amazed by him. He's changed so much. Therapy has helped us and we are both doing better with ourselves and our relationship. We are stronger than we've ever been and we're happy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

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