Chapter 19

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~•~•~•~•~ Skylar's POV ~•~•~•~•~•
As I was finishing my History homework, the doorbell rang. "I got it!" I yelled downstairs to my brother. I run, more like fall, downstairs onto the floor. I look up to see Shawn, Dolphin, and Rusher standing at the door looking at me with amused expressions. "Welcome to the Jennings home." Shawn said with a sarcastic tone. I stood, brushing myself off. "Um, thanks but we have matters to attend to." I told Shawn, grabbing the other boy's hands. Dragging my two friends up the stairs and into my room, I let go of their hands and jumped on my bed. "Mi casa es su casa." I said retrieving my phone from its place on my charger. "So our friend knows Spanish?" Dolphin said taking a seat on my desk chair, while Rusher sits on my floor. "That's all I literally know, other than a few cuss words..., but that's off topic. I asked you guys here because I need your help with the Bayani thing." "Well did you talk to him at all today?" Rusher asks. "Well... I might have avoided him today..." I trailed off. "You what?!" They both yelled at me. "Don't yell at me! I just didn't want to answer him without talking to you guys first. So, what should I do?" I asked nervously biting my lip. "Well do you like him?" Dolphin asked. "Well yeah. He means the world to me." I said, my cheeks flushing red. "And he apparently likes you so you should just say yes." Rusher said ending my other questions. "How should I tell him tough? Should I just walk up to him and be like, 'Yes', and then walk away?" "Well no, you have to do something creative and sweet, that would get the point across." Rusher said looking down at his phone, not paying attention to us. Dolphin and I just stared at him like he grew an extra head right in front of us. He might as well have been an alien because that didn't sound like Rusher at all. "Who are you, and what have you done to our Yoplait loving cow?" Dolphin asks, standing up and slowly backing away from his best friend. "What are you guys talking about?" Rusher said standing up. "Back up! I have a Skylar and she knows how to hit you right in the patella!" Dolphin said pulling me in front of him. "You're right! It's not Rusher anymore, it's... THE LEAKER!" Rusher yelled and charged at me. I did the only thing that I knew to do. I kicked his feet out from under him. "What the hell Skylar!" Rusher said ask he laid on the floor. "Sorry... fore of habit. Perks of having a dad as a cop." I said sheepishly. Dolphin had now resumed position on my bed casually scrolling through Twitter, like nothing happened to his best friend. "Now about that answer...?" Dolphin trailed off. "I think I have a good way of telling him." I said stepping over Rusher. As soon as I successfully stepped over him, he grabs my ankle pulling me down. "REVENGE!" Rusher yelled once I was on the ground. "The friends I have... " Dolphin said looking down at us, shaking his head.
What's up guys, MrsKiani here with another update!

I know this story sucks, and it has a lot of plot isssues, but once I finish it I will be rewriting it.

But, I do have a plot in mind, so the story must go on!

Just because I missed the update day, by a day, I am adding a picture of our favorite Yoplait drinking cow.

QOTD : Android vs. iPhone?

AOTD : Android!

CBOTD: Losing Jordan by _ayethummer

BOTD: I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know by DarknessandLight

Twitter: @ xTheCubeSMP

Perfect Imperfections (a xBayani and a Graser10 fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now