Chapter 8

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Before I knew it we were at my house. "Um.... so" Zach started. "Do you wanna come in and watch a movie or something?" I asked. "Sure" Zach said immediately. I opened the door and walked up to the house. Zach was behind me and i opened the door amd yelled "Dad? Shawn?" No reply.  "Well I guess we're alone." I said laughing. "I guess so..." he said. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked. "Do you have any scary movies?" Zach asked. "We have Freddy vs. Jason, The Conjuring, Sinister, Michael Myers, and Paranormal Activity 2." I said picking up each movie. "What about Sinister?" Zach said. "That's one of my favorites!" I said happy about his choice. "Really? I didn't take you as a scary movie girl." "Well You learn something new everyday!" I said laughing with Zach.

                                0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0 Zach's POV 0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0

Halfway through the movie I asked "Where is the bathroom?" "Down that hallway and to the right." Skylar said pointing to the direction of the bathroom. I found the bathroom, did what I needed to do, and left. I got an evil and funny idea. I was gonna scare her! So I snuck up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. She screamed so loud I think she busted my ear drums! She turned around to see who scared her. When she saw it was me, she started to blush. "Did I get you?" I asked knowing the answer. "No, I just screamed like a little girl and jumped 5 feet in the air for no reason." Skylar said scarcastically. "Oh okay, so everything is normal." I said sitting down. She sat down and glared at me. I let her glare at me for another minute. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." I said smirking. "I really love my phone. I don't wanna put it that pain." she said smiling. "Whatever, you know you think I'm hot." I said smiling. "You've gotta love me!" I said laughing. "Yeah, whatever." she said.


Hey guys I'm back! So I was thinking that I need a schedule to when I upload. So Perfect Imperfections will be up on Wensdays!

Question of the day: Who is your favorite Youtuber?

MIne is everyone on the Cube, Pewdiepie, Smosh and Smosh Games, Seananners, and MrSark.

Follow me on twitter: @xTheCubeSMP

Perfect Imperfections (a xBayani and a Graser10 fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now