Chapter 15

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       -=+=- Skylar's POV -=+=-
"Bayani!" I yelled and rushed to his side. "Rusher and Dolphin help him!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. We rolled an unconsious Bayani onto his back before checking his breathing. He was still breathing, but it was shallow. "He needs a hospital! Rusher and Dolphin carry him to a car! Please hurry!" I said standing and making my way over to Graser. "What the hell was that?" I asked/yelled at him. His back was to me. "He doesn't deserve you Skylar." he said calmly. "And you do?" I snapped at him. "Yes I do, I won't lie, cheat, or break your heart."  he said turning to face me. "You know what Graser, don't ever talk to me again! Actually, make that never show your face to me again!" I spat at him and sprinted off in the direction the two Canidians, and the unconsious Americian. I quickly reached them, thank God for the track team, and started asking a million questions a minute. "Whoa, slow down there bud." Rusher said breathing heavily. "Bayanidood is gonna be fine as long as we get to the hospital." "Quickly." added Dolphin. "Right, Rusher go start the car. I'll help Dolphin carry him." I said taking Bayani's feet from Rusher. "Okie dokie Skylar." Rusher said before running off for the car.

We reached the parking lot in 5 minutes. Dolphin helped me put Bayani in the car. I ran around to the opposite side of the car, and climbed in. Bayani's body was laying down, so I layed his head in my lap. Running my fingers through his brown hair, I let tears fall down my cheeks and onto his. "It'll be okay." I whispered to myself. "He'll be fine." I said trying to convince myself to what I was saying. I looked at his expressionless face. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Don't leave me," I said desperately. "not like this." I muttered letting more tears fall. These were gonna be the first of many tears tonight.

    -=+=- Bayani's POV -=+=-

I remember the pain, but nothing else. I remember confessing my feelings for Skylar, then blackness. Now I feel like I'm floating, but at the same time falling. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't control them. I'm awake because I can hear and feel, but I'm not awake. Am I dead? The thought terrified me. No, I thought. I can still hear and feel, but I'm not in control. "Don't leave me, not like this." I hear a soft voice say. Skylar? If I could only see her beautiful smile.... Now I'm falling again, but this time I hit the groud. I couldn't move, now I can. I couldn't see, but all I see is... white. Lots and lots of white. My nostrils flared taking in the scent. Lemon? A faint beeping noise startled me. "For fucks sake, can someone tone down the lemon scent? I don't wanna come out of here smelling like a fucking janitors closet." I said my voice scratchy and raw. "And could someone get me some water cause it feels like I swallowed a whole fucking desert." A giggle from my left made my stomach have butterflies. "What elese would you like your highness?" a sweet voice asked sarcasticly. "I couldn't ask for anything else when everything I need is already here." I said looking at her. Just seeing her face made my heart speed up. "How are you feeling?" she askes moving closer to me. "Like I got hit in the face with a bowling ball." I said joking. "Well... you kinda' did. Graser hit you in the face, breaking your nose, splitting your lip, and cutting open your eyebrow." "All that from one punch?" "Well..." she lead off. "Apparently Rusher and Dolphin dropped you once." she said trying to hide the grin on her face. I was confused, so the only thing I could say was "Son of a mother..."


What's up guys? MrsKiani here. So I'm really tired so I'm gonna keep it short. I've been sick and I haven't been writting lately. But the next couple chapters will arrive on time! Can I just say that the picture of Will(shep689) sniffing Bayani's hair is one of my favorite photos of Pax. That's all I got for today!

QOTD: Who is your favorite: Grapeapplesauce or Kevin(FollowKevn)

AOTD: Grapeapplesauce!

Twitter: @xTheCubeSMP

Perfect Imperfections (a xBayani and a Graser10 fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now