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Unfortunately, from a young age, I've always been brutal.

It's just in my nature.

I grew up serving for people that I refused to believe had malicious intentions. 

At my young age, I didn't know any better. It was the norm, but unbeknownst to me, I was living unethically.

I had no means to stand up for myself. I'd continue to allow the people of this underground organization control me.

I am not a slave, I am a hustler.

Ive always been told to keep that mindset.

Growing up this way taught me many different things. One of which being that I am of important value. I bring money to this organization, and without me, they'd be in no luck. I work my ass off time and time again to collect for this wretched place. What do I get in return?


Stealing is what I do. Framing is what I do. I would gain 'points' for doing what I was told. At least that's what they would say to me as a child, but growing up I'm beginning to see through that lie like glass. Over the years, it has become easier and easier to steal, but what comes with that is immense difficulty to keep my composure.

I am by no means a killer. At times I think it would become necessary to pull the trigger; people can be so stubborn, it makes me angry. But I've vowed to never kill anyone, even if the calling of desperate measures rang in my ears.

I'd like to believe that this lifestyle is the wrong way to live. But being a product of your own environment also meant being a product of your own change. I could change, but I'd rather not. I don't want to leave this manner of living.

Sometimes, I get lost in thought and begin to think about what my childhood could have been like if my father didn't just leave me stranded. Curiosity ran miles in my innocent head, coming up with many different scenarios of what could've happen to me at that moment.

Being picked up by an owner of a 'candy factory' only led me to believe my father did this to make me happy.

Of course I was lied to.

I was being picked up by an owner of a child labour organization, known as Cane&CO.

They forced me to train day in and night out without rest every week. They built my power and structure through unethical work. 

I constantly wondered why my father would ever do this to me. But soon came to the heart wrenching realization that my father didn't plan for this to happen.

He left me there because he couldn't take care of me.

After my mother passed, he became insanely depressed. He would always drink after throwing punches to flawless dry wall. The walls in my former home were littered in deep holes of different sizes. 

Although his behavior scared me then, I highly doubt it would scare me now.

This organization took my innocence right from my sweet little heart. They turned me cold, dry and cold. My once bubbly personality turned into a dark and vain one. I was unimpeachable. Though, that has long changed.

I want to forget most of my childhood, and just start all over again. But I know all too well, that desire is impossible. I fear the impossible. I fear the idea of not being able to ever accomplish anything no matter how hard you long for it. It makes me sick to my stomach. Eternally doubtful; cynical.

Thus, instead of longing for the impossible, I'm choosing to let time flow and take me where fate drags. After all, fate is inevitable.

Me being the scared little girl hours before my dad dropped me off, I asked many, many questions. 

He answered absolutely none. 

That is until he pulled over on the side of a highway and took me out of the car. Knowing that this would be the last time I will be seeing him, I speak.

"Dad.. what's going to happen to me?"

He enters the car again and rolls down the window so he could be heard by me.

"Whatever happens, happens."

Next thing I remember hearing were blaring sirens speeding in the direction my dad took off in.

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now