2 - Ready Up

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Waking up to the sound of the bathroom door opening made me realize that I fell victim to my exhaustion. Lauri came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and her hair dripping with water.

Something felt missing and it was right at the tip of my mind.

"That's right, I forgot to give you some clothes." My moment of insight led me to the closet, where I began rummaging through older clothes that I no longer wear. I pick out a pink button up blouse, and a pair of white jeans that stop right below the knee.

Something I would never wear now, but would fit her perfectly.

I give her the clothes and she smiles before entering the bathroom one last time.

She looks so much happier, I hope Mr. Alpin doesn't put it down today.

She comes out of the bathroom and sits to the right of me, expecting me to discuss the plan with her.

"Alright so, Mr. Alpin is not the nicest man in the world, but anything that goes within his favor doesn't falter that side of him. I believe that he will let you join the organization at the cost of intelligence and loyalty. Additionally, he will make you train.. are you up for it?"

She looks at me and the corner of her mouth twitched just a tad. "What kind of training?" She asked with worry lacing her tone. 

"I wouldn't worry too much about that, I will let him know you aren't familiar with the same aspects as me, so he might make you train for a smaller compartment of the organization. I've been working here since a young child and I'd rather not lie to you and say that they will be nice to you, because they won't. They are harsher than you think. Though I honestly think you can handle it with a strong mind and soul."

Her worried expression soon fades to one of no expression.

"Sounds better than what I came from, but what do you mean 'working here?' As a child? I thought that was illegal." 

I turn to look into her eyes, which almost seemed to be concerned for my well being. "Correct. It is illegal. It was not willingly. This organization is not one of fairness. They kidnapped me into child labour and I've been here ever since, not having the means to escape."

The look she gave me was one of sympathy, the same way I looked at her just hours ago. 

I didn't like when people pitied me and my situation. I'd take it from her though, as she hasn't come from a good childhood herself.

I take it that she's understands me.

"Oh. Well, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any intention to try and escape now?" Her gaze still locked with mine. 

Now that I fully think about it, the organization trusts me enough to go out unattended now that I've been here for so long. I guess that's that my gift for the granted loyalty to them.

However, I won't lie and say that I haven't thought about it. I have, it's just not under the circumstances one would take it for. "Yes.. I have, but where would I go? I already have my life built on this organization, and if I leave, I will have no where to go and no knowledge of what to do. I've been here practically my entire life, so I'm what you would call a dependent. Although I'm technically an adult who should be paying her own bills, unfortunately that's not my case, I'm not normal...."

Her gaze dropped off of me to face the floor. Lauri didn't quite put it into perspective, but in her mind, I have a point.

"I didn't think of it that way. No wonder you helped me." 

I couldn't quite define what she meant by that. When I thought about it more in depth, it made more sense. I came to the conclusion that she believed I helped her, because somewhere, I saw myself in that same situation if things just went slightly different.

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن