16 - Long Awaited Evaluation

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The elevator ascended to the 5th floor as I tapped my foot awaiting my arrival. Rumor has it, our package made it. Only except I'm not only expecting there to be just one package, but three.

When we were probing for dresses, we forgot the shoes. I ordered high glass slippers with belt-like straps that wrapped the ankle, and some jewelry for both Lauri and I, seeing as though both of our masks had silvers and glitters swimming the perimeter.


I exited the elevator and made my way out of it. The cool air of the building brushed my skin as I stepped foot out into the open. I began walking down the hallway to my room. I pulled my keycard out of my pocket and held it up to the door's reader, opening it up. I walked inside to see three packages laying on my bed just as I had anticipated.

One was light blue, another was purple, and the other was white. Assuming the white one was the one withholding the masks considering the thinness of it, I open that one first. I took the masks out of the packaging, and lay them with our dresses that housed my closet.

I do the same with the shoes, except I placed them on the floor beneath where the dresses hung. The jewelry, I placed in the bathroom in small jewelry box.

After unpacking everything, I threw all of the trash away, and picked up my phone. I dialed Kurapika's number to discuss further about our plan, for the fact that I was utterly confused about our part in specific.

I held my phone up to me while the rings wave through my ear one after another. A few more rings, and he picked up.

"Y/N? Why are you calling? Is everything ok?" His voice rang through the line hastily. I chuckled on the other side before answering. "Yes everything's okay. You sound paranoid, I should be the one asking you if you're okay."

I hear him scoff before talking. "Yes, I'm okay. It's just that you rarely ever call me anymore since we take place within the same locality now. Anyhow, is there anything you need?" His voice hallow, but clear.

"Yeah. I wanted to discuss our half of the plan a bit more because I am confused about it." My head hang low, pondering the casualties.

"Of course. I'm not busy right now so it's a good time. You can stop by if you would like." He reassured.

"Ok. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone, I made my way to the elevator.


I occupied Kurapika's chair while he sat across from me on his bed. I raised my head from the floor and looked at him. "So, I wanted to evaluate our plan in specific, because it's unclear to me how we will go about it."

He slowly tilted his head like a lost puppy. "What do you mean? What part is unclear?" He asked, voice husk and low.

"How we will show up. You said the mystery personage would likely be expecting me to show up alone right? So... are we going to show up separately, or..?" I draged, my voice coming out higher pitched than I expected.

"That's a good question. Since Lauri and Flo will present as a couple for this, Lauri will go on her way with Flo. As for me, I'll be driving. Thus, there will be no extra cars. The solution to that would be, to just order you a taxi or limo." His eyes avoiding mine.

I sat back in my seat, and crossed one leg over the other. "You seem nervous.. what's wrong?" My voice coming out just above a whisper, tilting my head up.

His before closed lips, were now held agape. He turned his head and looked to me at once. "I'm not sure why, but I feel odd about having to get you a ride from someone random in a situation like this. Especially, while everyone else is within the safety of oneself or another person." His voice quivers so little, it was almost unnoticeable.

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