8 - Fervent Promises

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"Can you teach me nen?"

Kurapika stood bewildered. He wasn't expecting a question like that. The question he was expecting was something regarding more knowledge perhaps, so he stared at me with a not-so-promising look.

"I'm not a reliable source, Y/N." He said, now avoiding eye-contact with me. His voice was hushed, which only led me to believe that he was embarrassed. 

I chuckle at his change in energy. 

"You told me that you damn-near mastered nen, no?" I asked. 

He now built up the courage to look at me again. "I myself had a nen-master, who professionalized in teaching all categories of nen." He retorts. He clearly doubted himself for whatever reason lies present. Understandably so, considering the subject matter we're on.

I put my right hand on my hip. "How do you think your 'nen-master' was taught?" I asked, the question coming out sounding rather rhetorical. Obviously he wasn't self taught, so what's the issue?

Kurapika maintained eye-contact as he thought of a response. "Well, I guess you're correct. If you so believe that I can teach you, very well then. But I cannot guarantee you everything will work in your favor."

I internally sigh at this. I wonder if I pressured him to give in, or if he's willingly doing this because he wants to get closer to his goal. Either way, I would hope that it's not becoming burdening.

We continue walking until my eyes come into contact with this room that had clear doors, so you could see everything from the outside. The room had a desk and telephone, and some renaissance paintings lining the walls.

The room was empty, with no one inside of it. Kurapika moved in front of me to open the door for me, while I proceeded inside. Kurapika followed close behind as the door shut behind him.

He then walked behind the desk and sat in the chair that resided underneath. He picked up the phone, and dialed a number. He moves his hair behind his ear to press the phone against it. 

Only then is when I realized he had a singular, ruby earring dangling from his left ear.

I stared at it unintentionally, eyeing the beautiful piece that I didn't know was there until now. He pressed the phone up against his ear, and looked at me. He gives me this odd expression, in all likely hood not knowing why I was looking at his ear the way I was.

I simply thought the earring was beautiful. Nothing more, nothing less. 

He soon gets distracted by a voice on the other line as he begins talking to the person on the other side.

I hear Kurapika say something about, 'tutor for the English language'. I came to the conclusion that he was in search for a tutor to aid Lauri in her reading abilities. I decided to take a seat on the other side of the desk, now sitting across from Kurapika.

He finishes off his call with a quiet 'thank you' and 'see you soon'. 

"How long will the tutor plan to stay?" I ask. Teaching someone to read is not an overnight activity, it happens over a period of time. Kurapika placed the phone back into the telephone-holder and looked up to me.

"The tutor specified that he will be here for approximately 3-4 months, depending on Lauri's rapidness on the extracurricular activity." He says, answering my question with dexterity.

Hearing this made me question. It would usually take more than 2 years to learn to read a language, though I suppose with her ability to observe reaches past its limits. I just nodded reluctantly after placed my elbow on the desk in front me.

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now