10 - Trial and Error

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I laid flat on my bed, eyes half lidded, as I stared up onto the ceiling, meditating.

Swimming in a pool of my own thoughts, there's this one thought in particular that kept making haste in my mind. Running miles a minute; annoyingly nagging. 

The decision to do this nen ordeal the easy or the hard way. 

From my previous speculation of what Kurapika has said to me, the only way to get this down-pact, fast and effectively, is to go the dangerous (but easy) route. Since I've never seen Kurapika in combat first hand, I'm not entirely certain of how strong he truly is.

But, from what I've gathered in our preceding conversations and observations, he doesn't seem to fall short of powerful in any way.

I shouldn't doubt his ability to assist me, no matter what path I choose.

My first option is obviously the hard way. Where I train for God knows how long, and gradually get stronger as I go. This may seem the most sensible, however -- I don't have the best judgement at my own resignation.

My second option is to go the easy way. This may have seemed like the better alternative, until I described to myself what comes with that. 

Like Kurapika stated before, this choice inhabits a considerable sacrifice somewhere in the midst of it.

So saying it's easy isn't quite logical.

I'd like to believe this to be the best option, but I'd rather not rush into things whatsoever. Rushing only causes more mistakes. Consequently, irrationally constructing ideas that could make an astonishing condition for the present moment, but won't have any effect in future battles.

Theres no real purpose for me to make a sacrifice anyway. 

What would I sacrifice?

Knock Knock.


The strikes at the door pulled me out of my intensive mediation. Well, not that it was really meditating, because it was starting to stress me out rather than make me feel at ease.

"Coming.." I muttered groggily as I made my way to the door. I reluctantly placed my hand on the knob, debating on whether or not I should open it now that I'm under some pressure.

I slowly opened the door to see Kurapika standing there with an unreadable expression on his face.

I mentally sighed.

It just had to be him. The person I had to make my final decision to. 

"Oh. Hi Kurapika." I gulped. He smiled and waved to me. I stepped out the way and opened the door a crack wider, welcoming him inside.

"Lauri is downstairs with Florence right now, so no need to check on her." Kurapika spoke.

I chuckle. "I figure you knew I was going to ask, huh?" I remarked slyly. It was something that I found myself doing quite often. Pondering to check on Lauri every once in a while to make sure she was okay.

She was like a little sister to me, though we may be the same age. Speaking of her age, I've never asked her age, have I?

"Y/N?" Kurapika called. I shook my silly thoughts and returned my gaze on the blonde, waiting for him to continue his wonders. His lips were parted as if he wanted to say something, but he opted on staying silent for a moment instead. My eyes were glued to his as I waited curiously for him to speak his mind.

He ran a hand through his hair awkwardly as he sighed, finally getting to his point. "I'm not sure how long we can keep holding this off." He says. I pout my lip in question, simply in the interest that I have no idea what this man was talking about.

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